Training in Pharmacy

The vocational internship is aimed to complete university education, by integrating it with practical activities carried out in a pharmacy.

This consists of the full-time student engagement in activities carried out at a pharmacy open to the public or in hospital one under the supervision of the hospital pharmaceutical service, for a total duration of at least six months (30 CFUs).

The internship is a fundamental and indispensable requirement to participate in the qualifying State examination to work officially as a pharmacist.

The period dedicated to vocational training in a pharmacy must not coincide with that one used to prepare an experimental thesis.
To be admitted to the internship the student must have passed the exams of the first three years of the course and have attended the lessons of the fourth one.

🗂 FOFI Regulation

Training in Pharmacy – ITA – pdf

🗂 Documentation for Internship

To have it signed along with the Internship booklet by the President of “Ordine dei Farmacisti di Roma”

End Internship format to sign by the Order