Exam Information: Drug Analysis II – prof. Barbato

Exam Information: Drug Analysis II – prof. Barbato

Drug Analysis II (Prof. Barbato) extraordinary exam session of December 14th 2020, will be in written and oral form using the platform Teams. Reservations will close on december 6th. The exam is reserved for “Fuori Corso” and for students on return from Erasmus.

Download the file “Technical and practical aspects of written test on Teams v3.1” for detailed instructions in english on the requirements to access the exam.

On december 9th there’ll be a Mandatory meeting session with Teams to test the connection and set-up.
All the students that reserve for the exam must partecipate. Send an e-mail to gaetano.barbato@uniroma2.it in order to receive the link to access the channel of the testing session.

Remote Exam