Courses for the AY 2024-25 – Application from 22 July 2024 to 9 September 2024

Courses for the AY 2024-25 – Application from 22 July 2024 to 9 September 2024

Courses in Italian Language for foreigners

During AY 2024-25, CLICI organizes Courses  in Italian Language and Culture for Tor Vergata University’s foreign students and for external participants from October 14, 2024 to December 20, 2024 (firs semester), and from mid of March until June 2025.  

Courses modality (online/on-site)

CLICI is going to provide on-site and/or online coursesaccording to the rooms’ availability and the number of participants. 

The courses include 40 hours of classroom lessons (20 lessons of two hours each, held twice a week on-site or remotely on the Zoom platform) + 20 hours of asynchronous online activities for a total of 60 hours. 

Confirmation of the activation of each level and the mode of attendance (on-site or remotely) as well as the schedule of each class will be provided a few days before the start of the courses. 


Free courses for Tor Vergata Students

The courses are free for all foreign students enrolled in any course of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Erasmus students, Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, PhD students, etc.) and for teachers/professors/researchers/administrative staff who are employees or have a contract with Tor Vergata University.  


Costs for external participants

The registration fee for external (non-Tor Vergata) participants is € 300. 


Registration and placement test

It is possible to register for the first semester courses from July 22, 2024 to September 9, 2024.  

In order to register, follow the instructions for one of the following categories: 

  • Tor Vergata Students (including Erasmus or Exchange students, Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, PhD students and teachers/professors/researchers/administrative staff who are employees or have a contract with Tor Vergata University): click here

1. Students who are absolute beginners in Italian language have to register on the Delphi platform without taking the placement test. During the registration procedure on Delphi, they will have to select the option “Absolute beginner” (with no possibility of any subsequent change).  

2. Students who passed CLICI’s Italian language final exam held on 18, 19 or 20 June 2024 can register on the Delphi platformwithout taking the placement test. During the registration procedure on Delphi, they will have to select the option “I passed CLICI’s Italian language exam last semester”.  

3. Students who are NOT beginners and who DIDN’T pass or didn’t take CLICI’s Italian language final exam in June 2024 are requested to take the placement test which consists of a written, computer-based test – to be held on the CLICI’s Moodle platform – and of an online speaking skills test – to be held on Zoom. Thus, during the registration procedure on Delphi, students will have to select one of the following dates (with no possibility of any subsequent change) for the online speaking skills test by Zoom:

  • 13 September (at 2.30 pm CET) 
  • 16 September (at 4.30 pm CET) 
  • 17 September (at 4.30 pm CET) 
  • 20 September (at 2.30 pm CET) 
  • 24 September (at 4.30 pm CET) 
  • 26 September (at 4.30 pm CET) 
  • 27 September (at 2.30 pm CET) 

Computer-based test: the written computer-based test will be held on CLICI’s Moodle platform. Students will receive all the information about how to access the platform and take the test 2 days before the speaking skills test at the latest. They will have to complete the written test up to one day before the speaking skills test (e. g.:  if they book the test of 13 September, they will receive the instructions to complete the written computer-based test by 11 September and will have to complete it by 12  September. 

Speaking skills test: it is possible to book the online test no later than September 9, 2024, registration deadline. However, we recommend choosing the date for the interview as soon as possible, as up to 36 students will be admitted to each session. Students won’t be allowed to take the interview if they haven’t taken the online test at least one day before. Students will receive the instructions to access Zoom some days before the test by email. 

Two weeks after the start of the course, external participants will have to access Delphi again to download the registration bill and pay the registration fee trough PagoPA. The bill validation is mandatory in order to attend the course and to obtain the final certificate. 

Final exam and certificate

Students have to attend at least 70% of the 40 hours of classroom lessons (held on-site or remotely on Zoom) and to carry out 70% of the online asynchronous activities, in order to obtain the certificate of attendance which can be downloaded on Delphi platform by students. 

Student who have attended at least 70% of the 40 hours of classroom lessons and have carried out 70% of the online asynchronous activities can be admitted to thefinal exam which consists of a written test and of an oral test.  

The written test will take place on-site on the last day of the course lesson, while the oral test will be held online by January 2025 

Students who pass the final exam will receive a final grade certificate that they can then download from Delphi platform.    

N.B. Italian language courses erogated by CLICI are extracurricular, thus they do not include the automatic acquisition of credits. It will be the responsibility of each student’s Home University or Course Coordinator/Director to decide whether to award credits against the certificate issued by CLICI. 



The schedule will be provided by email some days before the courses’ beginning along with information about how to access lessons on Zoom (online courses) or how to reach the classroom (on-site courses). 

For further information: 

Pharmacist – State Exam 2022

Pharmacist – State Exam 2022

The first and second sessions of the State exams to practice the profession of Pharmacist are scheduled for July and November 2022.

Candidates must submit their application for admission to the first session no later than 23 June 2022 and to the second session no later than 19 October 2022.

For procedures visit the following link:

Prof. Barbato 3rd year course Drug Analysis 2 (code 8066715) 12CFU

Prof. Barbato 3rd year course Drug Analysis 2 (code 8066715) 12CFU

Prof. Barbato 3rd year course Drug Analysis 2 (code 8066715) 12CFU, to be held the 2nd and 25th will be on Teams in REMOTE for all the students, however, there is also the opportunity of having it in the presence if students are compliant with super green pass (3 vaccinations green pass).

The student who wishes to choose the exam in the presence, besides reserving on DELPHI the usual way, he must send an e-mail to prof. Barbato ( at least 4 days before the written exam date.

The TEAMS written tests will be held in conformity with the modality explained in the instruction file attached below:
Instruction file for the exam code 8066715 drug analysis 2 exam for III year (12CFU) prof. Barbato

Read carefully the instructions, concerning both the set-up the camera display and the download/upload procedure of the exam files.

Note for TEAMS exam, there’s a MANDATORY preliminary session where your set-up will be checked and approved and you’ll practice the procedure of downloading and uploading of files through the Teams “Assignment” function, sessions will be held on:

January 28th at 9:00AM for the exam session of 02/02.

February 18th at 9:00AM for the exam session of 25/02

DEADLINES and how to reserve the exam:

Reservation for the exam is on DELPHI, deadline is January 28th for the 02/02 date, and February 18th for the 25/02 date.

If you have questions please send a mail message to, specifying your name matricola and year of registration (third year 8066715 Drug analysis exam), do not send messages on Teams chat.

Instruction file for the exam

Covid-19 update: Deadline for Visa procedures postponed to December 31st

Covid-19 update: Deadline for Visa procedures postponed to December 31st

Given the difficulties worldwide related to the Covid-19 pandemic emergency, MIUR (Ministry of University) has extended the deadline for the conclusion of Visa procedures for international students (Academic Year 2021/2022) to 31st December 2021.

For the submission of the documentation in original required in order to finalize the in-presence enrollment, the deadline is postponed to 31st January 2022.

NB: This extension is to be intended only for non-EU students applying for visas.


Covid-19 update: Deadline for Visa procedures postponed to December 31st

Covid-19 update: Deadline for Visa procedures postponed to December 31st

Given the difficulties worldwide related to the Covid-19 pandemic emergency, MIUR (Ministry of University) has extended the deadline for the conclusion of Visa procedures for international students (Academic Year 2021/2022) to 31st December 2021.

For the submission of the documentation in original required in order to finalize the in-presence enrollment, the deadline is postponed to 31st January 2022.

NB: This extension is to be intended only for non-EU students applying for visas.


Vaccination Service for National and International students

Vaccination Service for National and International students

Dear all,

As you know, in collaboration with the Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital (PTV) and the PTV – “La Vela” vaccination center, Tor Vergata University of Rome has activated a service dedicated to all students (Italian and international), teachers and technical administrative staff who are yet to obtain their Covid-19 Green Pass certification and who wish to be vaccinated.

Following the publication of the decree law n. 111 of 6 August 2021, which introduced the obligation, starting from 1 September, to present a Green Pass to attend universities, Tor Vergata University wanted to make a concrete contribution to the vaccination campaign and facilitate those who want to join it with this initiative.

We would like to remind that the service is available for all national and international students, teachers and administrative staff.

Furthermore, the Circular of the Ministry of Health in attachment, n° 50269 dated November 4th, 2021, had implemented the opportunity to book the vaccination to all students vaccinated abroad with a vaccine not authorized/recognized by EMA.

All national students resident in Lazio region or outside Lazio region and international students can book the second or third dosis at the vaccination Centre “La Vela”

Every day including the weekend, from 17:30 to 19:30, it will be possible to get the Covid-19 vaccine at the centre PTV – “La Vela di Calatrava” in Tor Vergata, upon registration on the platform exclusively dedicated to our university community.

The following requirements are needed to access the vaccination:

  •          Fiscal code;
  •          Be in possession of the Health card (Tessera Sanitaria) or its provisional copy, issued by the ASL;
  •          Vaccination certificates in case of second or third dosis

How to register: take an appointment by using the following platform:  – select Prenotazione Vaccino and choose date and time according to the availabilities on the calendar.

Once registered, applicants must show up at the appointment at “La Vela”, in via dell’Archiginnasio, 00133 Rome, bringing the identification document, health card (or the provisional copy) and vaccination certificate describing the type of vaccine, the number of doses, the batch number and the dates of administration.

For further information:

Best regards

Welcome Office

Tor Vergata University of Rome

Exam Schedule a.y. 2021-2022

Exam Schedule a.y. 2021-2022

Exam schedule for academic year 2020/2021 is AVAILABLE below!!!

Click on the links below to download the timetable or visit the section: EXAM SCHEDULE

Only “fuori corso” students, 5th year students not attending courses, or at the discretion, student who have not been able to take part in the ordinary exam sessions (i.e. Erasmus students, etc.) during the same academic year, can participate.