Pharmacist – State Exam 2022

Pharmacist – State Exam 2022

The first and second sessions of the State exams to practice the profession of Pharmacist are scheduled for July and November 2022.

Candidates must submit their application for admission to the first session no later than 23 June 2022 and to the second session no later than 19 October 2022.

For procedures visit the following link:

Prof. Barbato 3rd year course Drug Analysis 2 (code 8066715) 12CFU

Prof. Barbato 3rd year course Drug Analysis 2 (code 8066715) 12CFU

Prof. Barbato 3rd year course Drug Analysis 2 (code 8066715) 12CFU, to be held the 2nd and 25th will be on Teams in REMOTE for all the students, however, there is also the opportunity of having it in the presence if students are compliant with super green pass (3 vaccinations green pass).

The student who wishes to choose the exam in the presence, besides reserving on DELPHI the usual way, he must send an e-mail to prof. Barbato ( at least 4 days before the written exam date.

The TEAMS written tests will be held in conformity with the modality explained in the instruction file attached below:
Instruction file for the exam code 8066715 drug analysis 2 exam for III year (12CFU) prof. Barbato

Read carefully the instructions, concerning both the set-up the camera display and the download/upload procedure of the exam files.

Note for TEAMS exam, there’s a MANDATORY preliminary session where your set-up will be checked and approved and you’ll practice the procedure of downloading and uploading of files through the Teams “Assignment” function, sessions will be held on:

January 28th at 9:00AM for the exam session of 02/02.

February 18th at 9:00AM for the exam session of 25/02

DEADLINES and how to reserve the exam:

Reservation for the exam is on DELPHI, deadline is January 28th for the 02/02 date, and February 18th for the 25/02 date.

If you have questions please send a mail message to, specifying your name matricola and year of registration (third year 8066715 Drug analysis exam), do not send messages on Teams chat.

Instruction file for the exam

Covid-19 update: Deadline for Visa procedures postponed to December 31st

Covid-19 update: Deadline for Visa procedures postponed to December 31st

Given the difficulties worldwide related to the Covid-19 pandemic emergency, MIUR (Ministry of University) has extended the deadline for the conclusion of Visa procedures for international students (Academic Year 2021/2022) to 31st December 2021.

For the submission of the documentation in original required in order to finalize the in-presence enrollment, the deadline is postponed to 31st January 2022.

NB: This extension is to be intended only for non-EU students applying for visas.


Vaccination Service for National and International students

Vaccination Service for National and International students

Dear all,

As you know, in collaboration with the Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital (PTV) and the PTV – “La Vela” vaccination center, Tor Vergata University of Rome has activated a service dedicated to all students (Italian and international), teachers and technical administrative staff who are yet to obtain their Covid-19 Green Pass certification and who wish to be vaccinated.

Following the publication of the decree law n. 111 of 6 August 2021, which introduced the obligation, starting from 1 September, to present a Green Pass to attend universities, Tor Vergata University wanted to make a concrete contribution to the vaccination campaign and facilitate those who want to join it with this initiative.

We would like to remind that the service is available for all national and international students, teachers and administrative staff.

Furthermore, the Circular of the Ministry of Health in attachment, n° 50269 dated November 4th, 2021, had implemented the opportunity to book the vaccination to all students vaccinated abroad with a vaccine not authorized/recognized by EMA.

All national students resident in Lazio region or outside Lazio region and international students can book the second or third dosis at the vaccination Centre “La Vela”

Every day including the weekend, from 17:30 to 19:30, it will be possible to get the Covid-19 vaccine at the centre PTV – “La Vela di Calatrava” in Tor Vergata, upon registration on the platform exclusively dedicated to our university community.

The following requirements are needed to access the vaccination:

  •          Fiscal code;
  •          Be in possession of the Health card (Tessera Sanitaria) or its provisional copy, issued by the ASL;
  •          Vaccination certificates in case of second or third dosis

How to register: take an appointment by using the following platform:  – select Prenotazione Vaccino and choose date and time according to the availabilities on the calendar.

Once registered, applicants must show up at the appointment at “La Vela”, in via dell’Archiginnasio, 00133 Rome, bringing the identification document, health card (or the provisional copy) and vaccination certificate describing the type of vaccine, the number of doses, the batch number and the dates of administration.

For further information:

Best regards

Welcome Office

Tor Vergata University of Rome

Exam Schedule a.y. 2021-2022

Exam Schedule a.y. 2021-2022

Exam schedule for academic year 2020/2021 is AVAILABLE below!!!

Click on the links below to download the timetable or visit the section: EXAM SCHEDULE

Only “fuori corso” students, 5th year students not attending courses, or at the discretion, student who have not been able to take part in the ordinary exam sessions (i.e. Erasmus students, etc.) during the same academic year, can participate.

Career Opportunities – Malta Medicines Authority

Career Opportunities – Malta Medicines Authority

The Medicines Authority invites applications for the Post of Senior Pharmacist within the Authority.

Terms and Conditions

 The selected candidate will be employed as a Senior Pharmacist Grade BI, according to the Medicines Authority Collective Agreement.

The Post of Senior Pharmacist is subject to a probationary period of twelve (12) months.

For information and application:



Exam Prof. Barbato, 8067491 Drug Analysis, for the II year, module 2

Exam Prof. Barbato, 8067491 Drug Analysis, for the II year, module 2

The mod. 2 (prof. Gaetano Barbato) of the exam 8067491 Drug Analysis II year, to be held the 23/09 and the 6/10 will be on Teams in REMOTE for all the students.

The written tests will be held in conformity with the modality explained in the instruction file attached:
“Instruction file for the exam code 8067491 drug analysis exam II year, Mod. 2 prof. Barbato.pdf”

Read carefully the instructions, and set-up the camera display as explained in the instruction file.
Failure to accomplish the set-up will determine exclusion from the remote exam.

Note there’s a MANDATORY preliminary check of your set-up to be held by:

September 20th at 15.00 for the exam session of 23/09,

October 1st at 15:00 for the exam session of 6/10.

DEADLINES and how to reserve the exam:

Session of the 23/09 deadline reservation is September 19 at 24:00.

Session of the 6/10 deadline reservation is September 30 at 24:00.

The exam MUST be reserved on the following Teams channel:

In the dedicated chat space, writing your surname, name, matricola.
Reservation will automatically be done also for the MANDATORY checking session.

If you have questions please send a message to prof. Gaetano Barbato in the Teams chat, do not send e-mails.

Instruction file for the exam code 8067491