Updated Timetable First Semester a.y. 2024-2025

Updated Timetable First Semester a.y. 2024-2025

Timetable for academic year 2024/2025 is available below.

Lessons will start on September 30th 2024 for II-III-IV and V year students

Lessons will start on October 14th 2024 for I year students only



University holidays

Classes end: January 31st 2025

Christmas Break: December 24th – January 6th 2025

Timetable for the Optional Courses is available below. Click on the links below to download the timetable:

UPDATED  – Optional Courses – I Semester

Courses for the AY 2024-25 – Application from 22 July 2024 to 9 September 2024

Courses for the AY 2024-25 – Application from 22 July 2024 to 9 September 2024

Courses in Italian Language for foreigners

During AY 2024-25, CLICI organizes Courses  in Italian Language and Culture for Tor Vergata University’s foreign students and for external participants from October 14, 2024 to December 20, 2024 (firs semester), and from mid of March until June 2025.  

Courses modality (online/on-site)

CLICI is going to provide on-site and/or online coursesaccording to the rooms’ availability and the number of participants. 

The courses include 40 hours of classroom lessons (20 lessons of two hours each, held twice a week on-site or remotely on the Zoom platform) + 20 hours of asynchronous online activities for a total of 60 hours

Confirmation of the activation of each level and the mode of attendance (on-site or remotely) as well as the schedule of each class will be provided a few days before the start of the courses. 

Free courses for Tor Vergata Students

The courses are free for all foreign students enrolled in any course of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Erasmus students, Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, PhD students, etc.) and for teachers/professors/researchers/administrative staff who are employees or have a contract with Tor Vergata University.  

Costs for external participants

The registration fee for external (non-Tor Vergata) participants is € 300. 

Registration and placement test

It is possible to register for the first semester courses from July 22, 2024 to September 9, 2024.  

In order to register, follow the instructions for one of the following categories: 

  • Tor Vergata Students (including Erasmus or Exchange students, Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, PhD students and teachers/professors/researchers/administrative staff who are employees or have a contract with Tor Vergata University): click here
  • External (non-Tor Vergata) Students: click here

1. Students who are absolute beginners in Italian language have to register on the Delphi platform without taking the placement test. During the registration procedure on Delphi, they will have to select the option “Absolute beginner” (with no possibility of any subsequent change).  

2. Students who passed CLICI’s Italian language final exam held on 18, 19 or 20 June 2024 can register on the Delphi platformwithout taking the placement test. During the registration procedure on Delphi, they will have to select the option “I passed CLICI’s Italian language exam last semester”.  

3. Students who are NOT beginners and who DIDN’T pass or didn’t take CLICI’s Italian language final exam in June 2024 are requested to take the placement test which consists of a written, computer-based test – to be held on the CLICI’s Moodle platform – and of an online speaking skills test – to be held on Zoom. Thus, during the registration procedure on Delphi, students will have to select one of the following dates (with no possibility of any subsequent change) for the online speaking skills test by Zoom:

  • 13 September (at 2.30 pm CET) 
  • 16 September (at 4.30 pm CET) 
  • 17 September (at 4.30 pm CET) 
  • 20 September (at 2.30 pm CET) 
  • 24 September (at 4.30 pm CET) 
  • 26 September (at 4.30 pm CET) 
  • 27 September (at 2.30 pm CET) 

Computer-based test: the written computer-based test will be held on CLICI’s Moodle platform. Students will receive all the information about how to access the platform and take the test 2 days before the speaking skills test at the latest. They will have to complete the written test up to one day before the speaking skills test (e. g.:  if they book the test of 13 September, they will receive the instructions to complete the written computer-based test by 11 September and will have to complete it by 12  September

Speaking skills test: it is possible to book the online test no later than September 9, 2024, registration deadline. However, we recommend choosing the date for the interview as soon as possible, as up to 36 students will be admitted to each session. Students won’t be allowed to take the interview if they haven’t taken the online test at least one day before. Students will receive the instructions to access Zoom some days before the test by email. 

Two weeks after the start of the course, external participants will have to access Delphi again to download the registration bill and pay the registration fee trough PagoPA. The bill validation is mandatory in order to attend the course and to obtain the final certificate

Final exam and certificate

Students have to attend at least 70% of the 40 hours of classroom lessons (held on-site or remotely on Zoom) and to carry out 70% of the online asynchronous activities, in order to obtain the certificate of attendance which can be downloaded on Delphi platform by students. 

Student who have attended at least 70% of the 40 hours of classroom lessons and have carried out 70% of the online asynchronous activities can be admitted to thefinal exam which consists of a written test and of an oral test.  

The written test will take place on-site on the last day of the course lesson, while the oral test will be held online by January 2025.  

Students who pass the final exam will receive a final grade certificate that they can then download from Delphi platform.    

N.B. Italian language courses erogated by CLICI are extracurricular, thus they do not include the automatic acquisition of credits. It will be the responsibility of each student’s Home University or Course Coordinator/Director to decide whether to award credits against the certificate issued by CLICI. 


The schedule will be provided by email some days before the courses’ beginning along with information about how to access lessons on Zoom (online courses) or how to reach the classroom (on-site courses). 

For further information: info.linguaitaliana@uniroma2.it 

Copertina internazionale per la dieta che può contrastare i fattori di rischio della salute

Copertina internazionale per la dieta che può contrastare i fattori di rischio della salute

Siamo continuamente esposti a una serie di fattori biologici, chimici, fisici, ma anche psicologici, relazionali e socio-economici, con cui dobbiamo confrontarci nel quotidiano.  Fattori ambientali come l’inquinamento atmosferico, le origini genetiche e lo status socio-economico contribuiscono in modo significativo alle malattie metaboliche, cardiovascolari e neurodegenerative, all’infertilità e al cancro. Anche il microbiota intestinale, fortemente influenzato dalla dieta, svolge un ruolo cruciale. Metodi avanzati misurano i contaminanti, ma spesso trascurano il rischio cumulativo di più sostanze chimiche. Un approccio One Health che consideri la salute umana, animale e ambientale è essenziale per prevenire e gestire efficacemente le malattie croniche non trasmissibili. 

Questo, in sintesi, l’abstract dello studio pubblicato sulla copertina dello special issue della rivista internazionale Diseases del lavoro di un team di ricercatori italiani coordinato da Antonino De Lorenzo, ordinario e direttore del dipartimento di Biomedicina e prevenzione dell’università di Roma Tor Vergata e che vede come prima firma Laura Di Renzo, ordinaria di Scienze tecniche dietetiche applicate del medesimo dipartimento, che così commenta: “L’infiammazione persistente di basso grado è un fattore chiave nelle malattie croniche non trasmissibili (NCD) come obesità, disturbi cardiometabolici, cancro, malattie respiratorie, condizioni autoimmuni e depressione. Queste malattie sono influenzate dal fumo, da diete non sane, dall’inattività fisica e dall’abuso di alcol, tutti modellati da fattori genetici, ambientali e sociali. I modelli dietetici, in particolare gli alimenti ultra-processati, possono esacerbare l’infiammazione e alterare il microbiota intestinale. Lo studio pubblicato analizza il ruolo dell’esposoma (l’insieme dei fattori ambientali e degli agenti patogeni ai quali ciascun individuo è esposto nel corso della sua vita dalla nascita) nella prevenzione, nello sviluppo e nella progressione delle malattie non trasmissibili, concentrandosi sui fattori endogeni ed esogeni”.

“Gli inquinanti ambientali – prosegue – noti come interferenti endocrini, tra cui plastica e pesticidi, pongono rischi significativi per la salute interrompendo i sistemi ormonali, causando potenzialmente disturbi dello sviluppo, riproduttivi, metabolici e neurocomportamentali. Queste sostanze chimiche si accumulano nell’ambiente e nel corpo umano, influenzando la salute di generazioni in generazioni attraverso varie vie di esposizione. Gli inquinanti ambientali, in particolare gli interferenti endocrini, influiscono sulla fertilità maschile e aumentano il rischio di cancro ai testicoli, ma la dieta mediterranea, ricca di antiossidanti come i flavonoidi (ad esempio rutina, quercetina), potrebbe attenuare questi effetti combattendo lo stress“.

Gli ambienti urbani contribuiscono in modo significativo all’inquinamento atmosferico, esacerbando le malattie non trasmissibili come le malattie cardiovascolari e il diabete. “Le strategie di mitigazione – sottolinea Di Renzo – includono riforme della pianificazione urbana, barriere antirumore e riduzione dell’esposizione sia al rumore dei trasporti che all’inquinamento luminoso per alleviare i rischi per la salute associati a livello globale. L’asma infantile, una condizione cronica diffusa, deriva da interazioni complesse tra fattori genetici, epigenetici e ambientali, tra cui esposizioni prenatali e nella prima infanzia come fumo di tabacco, inquinanti atmosferici e modelli alimentari. Esiste un potenziale ruolo protettivo del consumo materno di alimenti specifici (ad esempio, verdure verdi cotte), dell’assunzione di acidi grassi omega-3 durante la gravidanza e dell’aderenza alla già citata Dieta Mediterranea”.
L’obesità, una crisi globale esacerbata dall’inquinamento atmosferico, in particolare dal particolato PM 2.5, ha un impatto diverso sulla salute tra i sessi a causa di disturbi endocrini e interazioni con gli ormoni sessuali. “Comprendere queste disparità e i loro meccanismi sottostanti – conclude – è fondamentale per strategie di prevenzione mirate volte a mitigare i rischi di obesità associati a fattori ambientali”.

Questi sono solo alcuni degli esempi riportati nello studio che ci premettono di comprendere come solo conoscendo i determinati delle malattie, intesi come tutti i componenti dell’esposoma, sia possibile pianificare interventi di prevenzione e terapie mirate di precisione.

Admission test: Identification procedures in alphabetical order

Admission test: Identification procedures in alphabetical order


Written Test: 60 questions (multiple choice).

Identification on the ground floor 08:30 am START: 09:30 am


Oral Test English language: START: 2.30 pm



 DOCUMENTS for written test for all candidates:

must show the valid identification document/ passport already loaded during registration for the selection on Delphi and receipt of payment of the bulletin of € 30.00.
Non -EU candidates legally residing in Italy: must also submit photocopies of the valid residence permit; if expired, submit photocopies of the expired permit and of the renewal application.

Non-EU applicants residing abroad applying for a visa for study:  must submit photocopies of the application submitted on Universitaly.


1. Bring bags, briefcases, cell phones, smartphones, notes, manuscripts, books or publications into the classroom. Any other material is equally prohibited

2. Communicate with each other or communicate with others.


  1. The use of scientific calculators as long as they do not require an electrical or wireless connection.

Ranking List A.Y. 2024-2025 is on line!!!

Ranking List A.Y. 2024-2025 is on line!!!

For the academic year 2024/2025, The University of Rome Tor Vergata officially opens the call for admission in the first year to the five-year One-cycle Degree in Pharmacy for a total number of 80 places, distributed as follows:

a) 60 (sixty) places available to Italian citizens, EU citizens and non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy (Art. 2, Italian Law n. 189/2002);

b) 20 (twenty) places reserved to non-EU citizens resident abroad (two of which are reserved to Chinese students participating to the “Marco Polo” programme)—applying for the visa.

The number of places established by the Italian Law n. 264, 02/08/1999.

The Degree Course will have two rounds of selection. The total number of places available will be divided accordingly.

  • FIRST ROUND: 60 places of which 10 places are reserved for non-EU citizens residing abroad and 2 places are reserved for students from the People’s Republic of China participating in the “Marco Polo” program.
  • SECOND ROUND: 20 places of which 8 places are reserved for non-EU citizens residing abroad In addition to any available spaces for each category after the first round.
RANKING EU – ENG – coming soon
RANKING EU – ENG – coming soon


ICoN – Online Self-learning Courses of Italian language for foreigners students

ICoN – Online Self-learning Courses of Italian language for foreigners students

Deadline has been posponed from 16 May 2024 to 20 May 2024

According to new regulations, all international students in the new system must achieve a B2 proficiency in Italian. Enrollment in the ICoN self-learning courses is mandatory.

These courses are designed to help students from the 3rd year onwards reach the required B2 level.

The  ICoN course is a prerequisite for all CLICI courses, offered every six months starting in October.

Information about CLICI course enrollment for the upcoming academic year will be published periodically.

Application form (download the application form here: ICoN – Application form)

Sign the application form including the privacy policy and send it to info.linguaitaliana@uniroma2.it by 20 May 2024 specifying in the email object “Iscrizione corso ICoN”.
Students who send the form correctly will receive an email providing information about how to access the self-learning courses after 20 May 2024. The course will be provided on a platform which will be accessible for one year.

More information about the courses’ program is available at http://www.icon-lingua.it/en/self-learning.

CLICI will not provide any certificate relating to ICoN courses.

ICoN will provide a certificate of completion indicating the level and number of self-learning course hours to students who carried out 100% of the activities on the platform.

Call for Applications A.Y. 2024-2025 is on line!!!

Call for Applications A.Y. 2024-2025 is on line!!!

For all information visit the section of this site: Apply & Transfer

For the academic year 2024/2025, The University of Rome Tor Vergata officially opens the call for admission in the first year to the five-year One-cycle Degree in Pharmacy for a total number of 80 places, distributed as follows:

a) 60 (sixty) places available to Italian citizens, EU citizens and non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy (Art. 2, Italian Law n. 189/2002);

b) 20 (twenty) places reserved to non-EU citizens resident abroad (two of which are reserved to Chinese students participating to the “Marco Polo” programme)—applying for the visa.

The Degree Course will have two rounds of selection. The total number of places available will be divided accordingly.

FIRST ROUND: 60 places of which 10 places are reserved for non-EU citizens residing abroad and 2 places are reserved for students from the People’s Republic of China participating in the “Marco Polo” program.

SECOND ROUND: 20 places of which 8 places are reserved for non-EU citizens residing abroad In addition to any available spaces for each category after the first round.

The admission test for access to the single-cycle master’s degree course in Pharmacy will consist of two assessment moments:

a) Written test: 60 multiple choice questions aimed at ascertaining the preparation regarding the disciplines of secondary schools such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as well as notions of general culture.

The test is carried out in English.

b) Oral exam: aimed at verifying the knowledge of the English language and at ascertaining the preparation regarding the disciplines of upper secondary schools such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as well as notions of general culture.

 Test schedule

  • Deadline for submitting applications is on Monday, 24 June , 2024.
  • Written test is on Tuesday, 2 July 2024 at 8:30 AM,
  • followed by an oral test at 2:30 PM on the same day.
  • Deadline for submitting applications is on Friday, 30 August , 2024.
  • Written test is on Friday, 6 September 2024 at 8:30 AM,
  • followed by an oral test at 2:30 PM on the same day.







AIFA: Robert Giovanni Nisticò is the new President!

AIFA: Robert Giovanni Nisticò is the new President!

Conferenza Stato Regioni has confirmed the nomination of professor Robert Giovanni Nisticò, proposed by the health minister Orazio Schillaci that denoted him as the ideal person according to professional competence in order to direct AIFA.
His career has been characterized by several prestigious activities in the field of Regulation of Drugs, on top of being Principal Investigator of numerous studies in the field of Pharmacology, particularly of Neuropsychopharmacology. As a matter of fact, he is the author of numerous articles about such topics.

I want to hearty thank all Tor Vergata staff, who worked by my side during these years.
Particularly, I want to address my students with whom I always tried to, both as a Professor and Pharmacy course Coordinator, to fix problems that arise, not easy ones, by means of communication and exchanges such to grow together.
So, I wish all the students to follow with sturdiness the professional pathway they dream for their life.
My new challenge, for the next five years, in AIFA will be carried out thinking at your future as well.
I wish you the best!!!
Prof. Robert Nisticò”

La Conferenza Stato Regioni ha confermato la nomina per il professor Robert Giovanni Nisticò, proposta dal ministro della Salute Orazio Schillaci che lo ha indicato come la figura ideale per competenza professionale a guidare l’AIFA.
Una carriera che vanta numerose e prestigiose attività nel settore degli Affari Regolatori dei medicinali, oltre che essere stato Principal Investigator di numerosi studi nel campo della farmacologia ed in particolare della neuropsicofarmacologia. Autore, infatti, di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche in questo settore.

“Voglio fare un doveroso ringraziamento a tutto il personale di Tor Vergata, colleghi e collaboratori, che hanno lavorato al mio fianco in questi anni.
In particolar modo, vorrei rivolgermi ai miei studenti con i quali ho sempre cercato, in primis da Professore e poi da Coordinatore del Corso di Farmacia, la risoluzione di problematiche, non sempre semplici, attraverso la costruzione di dialoghi e confronti sani e di crescita.
Auguro, dunque, a tutti gli studenti di seguire con caparbietà il percorso professionale che desiderano per la loro vita.
La mia nuova sfida, per i prossimi cinque anni, all’interno dell’AIFA sarà svolta pensando anche al futuro di voi giovani.
Buona fortuna!!!

Con affetto,
prof. Robert Nisticò”

📢 Ranking list: Nottingham University

📢 Ranking list: Nottingham University

In accordance to the Agreement with the School of Pharmacy of the University of Nottingham and the University of Rome Tor Vergata, mobility for the students of Tor Vergata and the School of Pharmacy of the University of Nottingham is expected.

Ranking List

📝  Download – Ranking List

For all information about it click on this page: SUBJECTS

Interested students, who are regularly registered in the IV year of the course, should submit a motivation letter to participate in the four (4) month stage.


It is necessary to have passed all the exams in the biennium





By e-mail:


magdalena.acuna.villa@uniroma2.it or in person to Mrs. Magdalena Acuna Villa


15th of March, 2024

📝  Download – Call for Nottingham