Upload Degree Thesis on Delphi System

Upload Degree Thesis on Delphi System


The necessary steps are as follows:

– The student enters the graduation application by selecting his/her supervisor from a drop-down list;
– Print the application and pay the relative payment slip of €16.00 and validate;
– Submit the documentation to the Student Secretariat (at present by email: segreteria-studenti@scienze.uniroma2.it);
– Within the deadline for submitting the thesis, the student must log back into Delphi and proceed with uploading the file;
– The lecturer will have a function to consult the uploaded document from his / her Delphi menu
– In the event of a request for thesis integration, the student can resubmit an updated file;
– The teacher validates the loaded thesis.

Upload deadline: No later than 8 days before the graduation session.