Important FAQ about TOLC-F

Important FAQ about TOLC-F

Question 1:  The seats available for the admission test at Tor Vergata are already full.  Can I take the English TOLC-F at another University?            

Answer: Yes. You can book another English TOLC-F in: University of  Bologna

Region:  Emilia Romagna

Dates: visit Cisia website (calendar of the dates)

Question2 : How many times can I take the test?

Answer: Just one time. Please keep in mind that if you are planning to study Pharmacy at Tor Vergata, you MUST register in Delphi as written it in our call “bando”.

Question 3: When is the dateline to register in Universitaly?

Answer: The 1st of July.


📌 Seminar: Sleep abnormalities in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: main findings and treatment interventions

📌 Seminar: Sleep abnormalities in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: main findings and treatment interventions

Date: 25-05-2021 at 14:30
Teacher: Fabio Ferrarelli (University of Pittsburgh,PA)
Host: Robert Nisticó (Coordinator Degree Course in Pharmacy)
Join the on line seminar:

Online Seminar: “Biological markers for Alzheimer’s disease”

Online Seminar: “Biological markers for Alzheimer’s disease”

Online Seminar: “Biological markers for Alzheimer’s disease”.

Speakers: Simone Lista (Sorbone University) and Robert Nisticò (Coordinator Degree Course in Pharmacy)

Date: 20 – 05 – 2021

During the Seminar: 11:00 – 14:00

Platform: Teams

Link of the channel:

Seminar: “Uno sguardo verso il futuro”


Save the date: 11 May, 2021 at 14:00
Teacher: Rinaldi Federica
Dottors: Cupelli Amalia and Pasqualini Alberto and Angelo Pecere
Students: 4th and 5th year
Language of the Seminar: Italian
Google Meet Room: 

Il seminario organizzato si pone come obiettivo quello di poter fornire agli studenti del corso di laurea in Farmacia eventuali prospettive future. Post laurea molti di loro infatti, dovranno affrontare delle scelte e decidere che tipo di futuro lavorativo inseguire. Interverranno infatti al seminario figure lavorative diverse, un Direttore di Farmacia (dott.Alberto Pasqualini) ed uno di Farmacia Ospedaliera (dott. Angelo Pecere) nonché un dirigente AIFA (dott.ssa Amelia Cupelli). Questi tre professionisti, pur avendo un percorso universitario di base analogo (laurea in Farmacia/ Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco) si sono specializzati per poter intraprendere strade lavorative differenti. Quindi il seminario potrà fornire idee e spunti di riflessione su alcune delle possibili opportunità per il laureato in Farmacia.