Veterinary seminars

Veterinary seminars

Seminar 1: “Galenica and veterinary medicine”

Veterinary seminars will be organized at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Room 4, Building PP1)  in the morning of April 4th, 2019 (start at 11:00).

Coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Ciorba

Dr. Umberto Pompili

Pharmacist, master in traditional galenic and clinical medicine at Camerino University.


Seminar 2: Fitotherapy and Omeopathy a challenge to antibiotics resistance. “Application of non conventional sanitary management in livestock farming”

Veterinary seminars will be organized at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Room 4, Building PP1)  in the morning of April 11th, 2019 (11:00-13:00).

Coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Ciorba

Andrea Malgeri DVM

Expert Freelance in Integrative Veterinary Medicine
President of DIVERGENTVET Association
Professor under contract at Università degli studi di Napoli Federico
II for Master “Modelli Ecologici per l’integrazione tra medicina
convenzionale e non convenzionale “Fitoterapia e Agopuntura”.
Permanent Professor at AIMOVAccademia Italiana di Medicina Olistica Veterinaria
Fitotherapy degree of La Tuscia University
Classical Omeopathy degree of IACH International Academy of Classic
Homeopathy Greece
Veterinary Classical Omeopathy degree of AFOV and AIMOV


—>  Students partecipating to all scheduled seminars  will get 1 CFU



Stage at University of Nottingham

Stage at University of Nottingham

In accordance with the Agreement with the School of Pharmacy of the University of Nottingham and the University of Rome Tor Vergata mobility for the students of Tor Vergata and the School of Pharmacy of the University of Nottingham is expected.

Given that the Degree Course in Pharmacy has made available to the best students of the IV academic year the financial resources to spend a period of stage at the laboratories of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom).

The interested students, regularly registered in the IV year of the course, have to submit an application to participate to the 4 months stage. There are 3 positions available.

The application should be sent to the following email address to: or submitted in person to Mrs. Magdalena Acuna by the 18th of March, 2019.

For any information  click here or visit the page