Uni-verso ItaliaEuropa courses

Uni-verso ItaliaEuropa courses

Per l’internazionalizzazione del sistema universitario: lingua e cultura italiana ed europea in ambiente digitale

The Uni-verso ItaliaEuropa courses were carried out as part of the project “Per l’internazionalizzazione del sistema universitario: lingua e cultura italiana ed europea in ambiente digitale”, designed by the ICoN Inter-University Consortium, with a co-financing from the Directorate General of Internationalization and Communication of the Ministry of University and Research. 

The duration of the project is from May 2023 to December 2024. The Department of Italian Studies of the University of Toronto (Canada) and the Department of Romanistics and Germanistics of the “Constantine the Philosopher University” in Nitra (Slovakia) participate as international partners.

Official website: https://internazionalizzazione.italicon.it/en

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