Every year the the editorial staff of the weekly Italian magazine “D – laRepubblica” selects the 50 most influential women in Italy and then asks its readers to vote for the best:
this year Alessandra Celletti and Federica Gasbarro, both from Tor Vergata University, were voted by readers of “D” among the top 10 best women in Italy.

Alessandra Celletti follows the mission of the JUICE probe of the European Space Agency (ESA), which will be launched in 2020 to study Jupiter and verify the habitability of its Moons, in particular Europa and Ganymede, which are belived to host immense oceans of water beneath their icy surfaces;
Professor Celletti is one of the “100 women against stereotypes” in women and Media, the project that gave birth to the www.100esperte.itdatabase and a campaign to promote the visibility of professional, experienced and competent women .
Also Alessandra investigates the functioning of the solar system, thanks to celestial mechanics, a science of ancient origins, to understand how our planet was formed and to search for habitable environments that could host life.
Federica Gasbarro, 24 years old is a student in Biological Sciences at Tor Vergata University of Rome. She is part of the “Fridays for Future” movement and was the only Italian to attend the UN Youth Summit, the first UN summit dedicated to youth, followed by the summit with all the “adults” , world leaders, in the presence of the young activist Greta Thunberg.
Federica fights for the future of the Earth, along with 100 boys and girls from different cultures to raise public awareness of climate change;
In good company
In the company of Alessandra and Federica among the top 10 were also: Paola Egonu, volleyball player (1st place), Donatella Bianchi, host of the Linea Blu show on Rai 1 (2nd place), Anna Fasano, from May the first woman to preside over Banca Popolare Etica (3rd place).