Seminar: “Uno sguardo verso il futuro”


Save the date: 11 May, 2021 at 14:00
Teacher: Rinaldi Federica
Dottors: Cupelli Amalia and Pasqualini Alberto and Angelo Pecere
Students: 4th and 5th year
Language of the Seminar: Italian
Google Meet Room: 

Il seminario organizzato si pone come obiettivo quello di poter fornire agli studenti del corso di laurea in Farmacia eventuali prospettive future. Post laurea molti di loro infatti, dovranno affrontare delle scelte e decidere che tipo di futuro lavorativo inseguire. Interverranno infatti al seminario figure lavorative diverse, un Direttore di Farmacia (dott.Alberto Pasqualini) ed uno di Farmacia Ospedaliera (dott. Angelo Pecere) nonché un dirigente AIFA (dott.ssa Amelia Cupelli). Questi tre professionisti, pur avendo un percorso universitario di base analogo (laurea in Farmacia/ Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco) si sono specializzati per poter intraprendere strade lavorative differenti. Quindi il seminario potrà fornire idee e spunti di riflessione su alcune delle possibili opportunità per il laureato in Farmacia.

Photoprotection Course

Photoprotection Course

The Photoprotection: An Overview Course will be organized at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Room 4, Building PP1) by Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” in the morning of November  25th, 2019 (11:00-13:00).

Agenda – Carles Trullàs Open Innovation Director ISDIN


  • Cutaneous effects of sun radiation
  • Concept of SPF. History of photoprotection and SPF methods
  • Protection beyond UV and new endpoints for the assessment of sunscreen efficacy
  • Physical and chemical filters
  • Design and development of topical sunscreens
  • Evaluation of cosmetic acceptability and safety of sunscreens Sunscreens and Skin Diseases
  • Environmental impact of sunscreens

Veterinary seminars

Veterinary seminars

Seminar 1: “Galenica and veterinary medicine”

Veterinary seminars will be organized at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Room 4, Building PP1)  in the morning of April 4th, 2019 (start at 11:00).

Coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Ciorba

Dr. Umberto Pompili

Pharmacist, master in traditional galenic and clinical medicine at Camerino University.


Seminar 2: Fitotherapy and Omeopathy a challenge to antibiotics resistance. “Application of non conventional sanitary management in livestock farming”

Veterinary seminars will be organized at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Room 4, Building PP1)  in the morning of April 11th, 2019 (11:00-13:00).

Coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Ciorba

Andrea Malgeri DVM

Expert Freelance in Integrative Veterinary Medicine
President of DIVERGENTVET Association
Professor under contract at Università degli studi di Napoli Federico
II for Master “Modelli Ecologici per l’integrazione tra medicina
convenzionale e non convenzionale “Fitoterapia e Agopuntura”.
Permanent Professor at AIMOVAccademia Italiana di Medicina Olistica Veterinaria
Fitotherapy degree of La Tuscia University
Classical Omeopathy degree of IACH International Academy of Classic
Homeopathy Greece
Veterinary Classical Omeopathy degree of AFOV and AIMOV


—>  Students partecipating to all scheduled seminars  will get 1 CFU



2nd UPGX Personalised Medicine Public Day in Rome

2nd UPGX Personalised Medicine Public Day in Rome

The 2nd U-PGx Personalized Medicine Public Day will be organized in Rome, Italy.

One of the most important prerequisites of the successful implementation of pharmacogenomics into the clinic is the increase of the general public’s awareness over the benefits of pharmacogenomics in rationalizing drug use.

Recognizing this fact, the Golden Helix Foundation organizes in Rome, Italy the 2nd U-PGx Personalized Medicine Public Day. The theme of the meeting will be “La Farmacogenomica della Medicina di Precisione il Progetto Europeo “Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics” and will be organized at the Fleming Auditorium by Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” in the afternoon of January 21st, 2019 (15:00 – 18:00 p.m.) and is part of the dissemination and outreaching activities of the Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics (UPGx) project, funded by the European Commission (H2020-668353).

This event is meant for the general public, patient organisations, regulators, insurers and policy makers.

Registration is FREE-OF-CHARGE. During the break, drinks and food will be served for free.

For registration click here

Also you can download the meeting program here

Students interested in attending the meeting can contact Secretary of Pharmacy by

–> Students partecipating to the course will get 1 CFU.