

L’Università che non si ferma 

Il video  #viciniadistanza della CRUI, la Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane, è stato presentato dal Presidente Ferruccio Resta nel corso dell’ ultima assemblea che si è tenuta a distanza. Il video racconta la pronta reazione delle università durante l’emergenza epidemiologica sul fronte della didattica a distanza e il grande lavoro fatto dalle Università italiane in questa prima fase dell’ emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19.
Il 24 aprile, il video sarà diffuso da tutte le università.

Documentation: Extraordinary Graduation Session

Documentation: Extraordinary Graduation Session

Graduation sessions for all the programmes at Tor Vergata University of Rome will only take place using distance learning platforms.

Final thesis commissions will be made of at least three members, including the session President. The graduating student will be asked to show the Commission a valid ID and at the end of the dissertation, upon positive completion, the President will declare the student graduated, mentioning the final mark.

All the students submitted the Precautionary Application (Domanda Cautelativa) and the Graduation Request (Domanda di Laurea) within 30 days before the day set for the session, will be admitted to it.

The date of the Extraordinary Graduation Session: June 11th 2020

FAQ Students: Teaching, Exam and Graduation

FAQ Students: Teaching, Exam and Graduation

1. What is the solution following the interruption of experimental thesis and training inPharmacy?

We can not offer a solution, we are waiting for same clarifications from our  Rector and competent authorities, that we will promptly share with you.We  will be flexible as much as possible and decide on a case-by-case basis. For the time being, we musthope that the containment measures adopted by the Italian government will lead to a prompt recovery ofactivities.

2. Will the seminars scheduled for the a.a. 2019-2020 still be held?

Unfortunately we had to cancel seminars and other programmed events; however, I have ensured that these will be held in the nextacademic year. Optional courses will be held remotely according to the calendar published on our website.

3. Is there a graduation session in May 2020?

The May graduation session has been postponed to the 11thof June and will be held remotely. This session is part of AY 2018/2019 and is intended only for students“in cautelativa”.  A specific regulation (in Italian) for the carrying out of  these exams wasissued recently and is available at http://web.uniroma2.it/module/name/Content/newlang/italiano/navpath/HOM/action/showpage/content_id/82768 . Please also follow our pharmacy website for instructions and deadlines.

4. When is the Pharmacist state exam scheduled? We still did not receive information for the Esame di Stato, since this is not directly organized by Pharmacy course.

5. How will exams in the summer session take place?

We cannot anticipate how these exams will be carried out. Some of you might have returned to their native countries and possibly could encounter problems in returning to Italy. I foresee that it will be possible to carryout oral examinations remotely, however we are still waiting to receive instructions on how a written-type examination can take place.

6. Who can I contact if I have doubts? 

For problems related to a specific course please contact directly the professor.For general problems, the Didactic Secretariat and the Course Coordinator is available to find solutions withinthe limits of common sense!