Vaccination Service for National and International students

Vaccination Service for National and International students

Dear all,

As you know, in collaboration with the Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital (PTV) and the PTV – “La Vela” vaccination center, Tor Vergata University of Rome has activated a service dedicated to all students (Italian and international), teachers and technical administrative staff who are yet to obtain their Covid-19 Green Pass certification and who wish to be vaccinated.

Following the publication of the decree law n. 111 of 6 August 2021, which introduced the obligation, starting from 1 September, to present a Green Pass to attend universities, Tor Vergata University wanted to make a concrete contribution to the vaccination campaign and facilitate those who want to join it with this initiative.

We would like to remind that the service is available for all national and international students, teachers and administrative staff.

Furthermore, the Circular of the Ministry of Health in attachment, n° 50269 dated November 4th, 2021, had implemented the opportunity to book the vaccination to all students vaccinated abroad with a vaccine not authorized/recognized by EMA.

All national students resident in Lazio region or outside Lazio region and international students can book the second or third dosis at the vaccination Centre “La Vela”

Every day including the weekend, from 17:30 to 19:30, it will be possible to get the Covid-19 vaccine at the centre PTV – “La Vela di Calatrava” in Tor Vergata, upon registration on the platform exclusively dedicated to our university community.

The following requirements are needed to access the vaccination:

  •          Fiscal code;
  •          Be in possession of the Health card (Tessera Sanitaria) or its provisional copy, issued by the ASL;
  •          Vaccination certificates in case of second or third dosis

How to register: take an appointment by using the following platform:  – select Prenotazione Vaccino and choose date and time according to the availabilities on the calendar.

Once registered, applicants must show up at the appointment at “La Vela”, in via dell’Archiginnasio, 00133 Rome, bringing the identification document, health card (or the provisional copy) and vaccination certificate describing the type of vaccine, the number of doses, the batch number and the dates of administration.

For further information:

Best regards

Welcome Office

Tor Vergata University of Rome

Tor Vergata Shuttle BUS Service: Itineraries and Schedules

Tor Vergata Shuttle BUS Service: Itineraries and Schedules


STOPS: Stazione Tor Vergata – Rettorato – Campus X – Medicina – Laziodisco – Ingegneria – Economia – Lettere – Scienze

The service will run from November 3, 2021 to June 17, 2022, from Monday to Friday, excluding the period December 24, 2021 – January 9, 2022 (included) and the days of April 18, 25, 2022 and June 2, 2022.

It will connect the Tor Vergata train station (via Fermi – Municipality of Frascati) with the School of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, passing through the locations of the various Schools with the following time stops:

Midday runs:

Departure from Tor Vergata Station at the arrival of the train (8 AM) – arrival at the School of Matematics at 08.20 AM and departure in the opposite direction;

Departure from Tor Vergata Station upon arrival of the train (8.30 AM) – arrival at the School of Matematics at 08.50 AM and departure in the opposite direction;

Departure from Tor Vergata Station upon arrival of the train (9.30 AM) – arrival at the School of Matematics at 9.50 AM. End of the morning service.

Intermediate stops:

Outward journey: Rectorate (Via Cracovia), Campus X/CLA (Via di Passolombardo), Medicine (Via Montpellier), Laziodisco Residences, Engineering/Economics/Law (Via Cambridge), Humanities (Via Cambridge).

Return route (for runs departing from Mathematics at 8:20 a.m. and 8:50 a.m. only): Humanities (Cambridge Street), Engineering/Economics/Law (Cambridge Street), Laziodisco Residences, Medicine (Montpellier Street).

Afternoon runs:

Departure from Mathematics, h. 11.00 AM. – Arrival at Tor Vergata Station at 11.25 AM; wait for the arriving train and depart in the opposite direction;

Departure from Mathematics, h. 12.00 PM- Arrival at Tor Vergata Station at 12.25 PM; waiting for the arriving train and new departure in the opposite direction;

Departure from Mathematics, h. 1 PM – Arrival at Tor Vergata Station at 1.25 PM; waiting for the arriving train and new departure in the opposite direction;

Departure from Mathematics, h. 1.55 PM – Arrival at Tor Vergata Station at 2.20 PM; waiting for the arriving train and new departure in the opposite direction;

Departure from Mathematics, h. 2.45 PM – Arrival at Tor Vergata Station at 3.10 PM; waiting for the incoming train and new departure in the opposite direction;

Departure from Mathematics, h. 3.35 PM – Arrival at Tor Vergata Station at 4.00 PM; waiting for the arriving train and new departure in the opposite direction;

Departure from Mathematics, h. 4.35 PM – Arrival at Tor Vergata Station at 5.00 PM; waiting for the arriving train and new departure in the opposite direction;

Departure from Mathematics, h. 6.05 PM – Arrival at Tor Vergata Station at 6.25 PM; waiting for the arriving train and new departure in the opposite direction;

Departure from Mathematics, h. 7.05 PM – arrival at Tor Vergata Station at 7.25 PM; waiting for the arriving train. End of service;

Intermediate stops:

Humanities (Via Cambridge), Engineering/Economics/Law (Via Cambridge), Laziodisco Residences, Medicine (Via Montpellier), Rectorate (Via Cracovia), Campus X/CLA Headquarters (Via di Passolombardo).

The above timetables refer to those in effect at the time of the start of this procedure due to the arrival/departure times of trains to/from Tor Vergata train station.


STOPS: Metro A Anagnina – Scienze – Lettere – Ingegneria – Economia – Giurisprudenza – Laziodisco – Medicina – Metro C Torre Angela – Rettorato

The service will operate from November 8, 2021 to June 17, 2022, from Monday to Friday, excluding the period December 24, 2021 to January 9, 2022 (inclusive) and the days of April 18, 25, 2022 and June 2, 2022.

It will connect Anagnina Metro A Station with Campus X/CLA, first run at 7.30 AM andd last run at 5.30 PM, passing through the University Schoolsand stopping at Torre Angela Metro C, with the following hourly stages:

Outbound route: departure from Anagnina Metro A Station – Ex Rectorate stop (Via Bernardino Alimena), Mathematics (Via della Ricerca Scientifica), Humanities (Via Cambridge), Engineering/Economics/Law (Via Cambridge), Laziodisco Residences, Medicine (Via Gismondi), Rectorate (Via Cracovia), Metro C Torre Angela Station, Medicine (Via Heidelberg), Rectorate (Via Cracovia), Campus X/CLA (Via di Passolombardo). Estimated arrival at Campus X/CLA at 8:00 AM.

Return journey: Campus X/CLA (Via di Passolombardo), Rectorate (Via Cracovia), Medicine (Via Montpellier), Metro C Torre Angela, Laziodisco Residences, Engineering/Economics/Law (Via Cambridge), Humanities (Via Cambridge), Mathematics (Via della Ricerca Scientifica), Ex Rectorate Stp (Via Bernardino Alimena), Anagnina Metro A Station.

Subsequent services from Anagnina: 8.30 AM, 9.30 AM, 10.30 AM, 11.30 AM, 12.30 PM, 1.30 PM, 2.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 4.30 PM, 5.30 PM and end of service at 6.00 PM at CampusX.