Seminar: “Uno sguardo verso il futuro”


Save the date: 11 May, 2021 at 14:00
Teacher: Rinaldi Federica
Dottors: Cupelli Amalia and Pasqualini Alberto and Angelo Pecere
Students: 4th and 5th year
Language of the Seminar: Italian
Google Meet Room: 

Il seminario organizzato si pone come obiettivo quello di poter fornire agli studenti del corso di laurea in Farmacia eventuali prospettive future. Post laurea molti di loro infatti, dovranno affrontare delle scelte e decidere che tipo di futuro lavorativo inseguire. Interverranno infatti al seminario figure lavorative diverse, un Direttore di Farmacia (dott.Alberto Pasqualini) ed uno di Farmacia Ospedaliera (dott. Angelo Pecere) nonché un dirigente AIFA (dott.ssa Amelia Cupelli). Questi tre professionisti, pur avendo un percorso universitario di base analogo (laurea in Farmacia/ Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco) si sono specializzati per poter intraprendere strade lavorative differenti. Quindi il seminario potrà fornire idee e spunti di riflessione su alcune delle possibili opportunità per il laureato in Farmacia.

YUFE Townhall 2020: European Higher Education

YUFE Townhall 2020: European Higher Education

YUFE is one of the first seventeen alliances selected by the European Commission in 2019 to develop a unique model of a European University. The fourteen YUFE partners aim to contribute to a more competitive, innovative and united Europe through structural cooperation in education, research, innovation and engagement with local communities.
One of the main goals of the cooperation between staff, students, citizens, businesses, government and policy makers is to address local and European challenges to achieve solutions that have global relevance. Moreover, they work together to develop and promote joint educational programmes, services of added value for the YUFE local communities and to enhance the mobility of students and staff across the Alliance.
Together, the YUFE partners are creating an inclusive higher education landscape without borders that is in line with current developments in society and the labour market.
YUFE Townhall: Sessions Program
The YUFE Townhall is a 2.5-day umbrella event involving all of YUFE’s programmes and activities bringing together the entire YUFE community. Its focus will be on European Higher Education and its links to wider society. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event will now mainly take place virtually, which will actually make it more inclusive, accessible and sustainable with wider engagement across the whole of Europe.
Two of the YUFE Townhall sessions will be open to the public. The first session gives an overview of what has been achieved by YUFE in it’s first year.
The second open session asks a variety of stakeholders, including the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, the DG of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, and the CEO of a triple-helix campus, what European Universities can contribute to society, with a focus on regional employability following the quadruple helix model. The quadruple helix model brings together science, policy, industry, and society.
The third working session is organised and hosted by the YUFE Student Forum.


Procedure for Temporary Teams Account Request

Procedure for Temporary Teams Account Request

The procedure for requesting a temporary Teams account is reserved to:
• New International students (ongoing enrollment on Delphi platform for the 2020/2021 academic year, and already registered on the Universitaly portal)
• New Bachelor Degree students (pending the final secondary school exams and diploma certificate for 2020) for Italian students
• New Master Degree students (pending the final Bachelor dissertation and degree certificate for the 2019/2020 academic year) for Italian students
Please follow these steps:
1. Fill in the FORM and verify that you have correctly entered your personal email address. If the request is successful, at the end you will receive a summary email; should this confirmation not arrive, please contact us.
2. The Welcome Office will approve the request.
3. You will receive an email with a username and password to log into Teams.
4. Connect to Teams from WEB ( log in and set your personal password.
5. Download and install the Microsoft Teams app.
In order to access to the online lessons, join by using the Teams code or Teams link of the class on the website of your course of attendance.
For assistance, contact us:

Second Round Selection

Second Round Selection

The General ranking list for the 16 (sixteen) seats available to italian, eu and non-eu citizens legally residing in italy  and 2 (two) seats reserved for non-eu citizens residing abroad of the admission call for the registration of thedegree course in pharmacy are available:

EU STUDENTS – Ranking List – ITA

EU STUDENTS – Ranking List – ENG

Non-EU STUDENTS – Ranking List – ITA

Non-EU STUDENTS – Ranking List – ENG

Procedures transfer other University/Courses- ITA

Procedures Transfer other University/Courses – ENG

Eligible candidates who do not enrol within the deadlines described will be regarded as renouncers.


Even after obtaining a valid score, candidates are excluded in the following cases:

1) non-EU citizens residing abroad who did not submit the pre-enrollment application form on the universitaly platform before taking the test;

2) non-EU citizens having declared their residence / domicile in Italy who did not attach a valid residence permit when registering for the test.

Also excluded are those who have not obtained a minimum score of 18/50 or have taken the test in Italian (TOLC-F) and not the ENGLISH TOLC-F in English as required by the call.

VGen HUB Tor Vergata

VGen HUB Tor Vergata

VGen is a community of young talents, who propose ideas and solutions for social and technological innovation. Born in Tor Vergata in 2018 is now well-established in Italy, counting several HUBs and more than 300 under 30 talents as members.

Through challenges and events, VGen aims to connect companies with new generations of students, startups and freelancers. Our strongest belief is the leading and pivotal role of new generations in social and technological change.

Challenges & Other Activities

VGen HUB is a Chapter of the VGen community, formed by those students that showed great interest in developing VGen activities inside their own university.

1. VGen HUB Activities

  • Challenges: award competitions structured by VGen LAB (the startup) with business partners, that are funneled towards the VGen community. The HUB will pe place of support for students involved and team groups will be created for some challenges.
  • Events: connect the startup and innovation environment to the university by inviting experts to talk inside the university as well as online webinars and hackathons.
  • Articles: HUB’s members can write in the VGen Blog and make interviews.


Be part of the Value Generation! Do not miss the opportunity to challenge yourself. To discover something more on us visit the VGen website:

VGen Contacts

Local President and Referent: Elena Marfori
Email address: