LAZIODISCO English Call for Applications 2021/2022

LAZIODISCO English Call for Applications 2021/2022

Also this year Tor Vergata University of Rome releases the updated Lazio DiSCo scholarship English guide.

In order to help international students applying to the Regione Lazio scholarship also known as Lazio DiSCo, since the website and the portal is almost entirely in Italian, every year our staff creates a simple translation of the applications portal in order to guide you and help you through your application.

The guide is not an official product of Regione Lazio or Lazio DiSCo, it is simply an assistance for students enrolling at Tor Vergata University who do not speak Italian and would like to apply to obtain the scholarship.


Admission Test A.Y. 2021-2022 ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA

Admission Test A.Y. 2021-2022 ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA

In response to the current emergency situation, starting from May, CISIA will provide ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA home tests to allow students to take TOLCs remotely for the academic year 2021-2022.
ENGLISH TOLC@-FCASA tests are provided to individual students through the CISIA platform using tools and technology that allow to create secure and controlled virtual classrooms in which candidates can be reliably identified and carry out their tests autonomously. Virtual classrooms are created and managed by universities in collaboration with CISIA. Information and instructions on the equipment required to take ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA tests can be found on the CISIA website.

The ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA is an individual test, different for each participant, composed of questions automatically and randomly selected from the CISIA TOLC database with a software developed and managed by CISIA – Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l’Accesso.
TheENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA test is carried out on the computer and allows to participate in any selection for which the ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA is required: it is not necessary, therefore, to support it at the same location of the course of your interest.
Once you have taken the ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA test, you can apply to one of the intakes of Pharmacy. The selection will be based on the score obtained at the ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA, weighted according to the criteria set out in the Call for Applications.

The ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA test structure

The ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA consists of 50 questions divided into 5 sections. The sections are: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Logic.


The result of each ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA is determined by the number of questions answered correctly, wrong or unanswered which make up the total score as follows: 1 point for each correct answer, 0 points for each unanswered question and a penalty of 0.25 points for each incorrect answer.

For more information: Structure and Syllabus 

How and When to enrol in the ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA Test
Carefully read the Call for Applications to check the deadlines for registration toENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA and to the intakes.
To register for ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA you must access the CISIA website, select ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA,  date and pay the fee of € 30 payable by MAV or credit card.
Check the calendar of English TOLC-F@CASA sessions organized by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
– For the Subscription watch this video tutorial

The ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA score, divided into the various sections, will immediately become visible on the CISIA website at the end of the test, entering with the credentials used for booking. This score must be parameterized with the coefficients for each section that are indicated in the Call for Applications.
At the deadline indicated in the Call for Applications will be published the ranking list based on the scores of the ENGLISH TOLC-F@CASA test “weighted” according to the criteria set out in the Call.

How to enrol in the Degree Programme
Once you have passed the selection process, to enrol in the Degree Programme please consult the “Enrolment & Payment” page and follow the instructions and deadlines set out in the Call for Applications very carefully.


In this page there are more information about TOLC@CASA

TOLC@CASA Instructions

For more information about call for applications:

Information to Answer your Questions

Information to Answer your Questions

We’re Ready to Answer Your Questions!
Reach Us Via Email – Fastest!
We will work effortlessly to address your questions and concerns in a timely and efficient manner.
Please include all information so that we can deal with your enquiry as efficiently as possible:
Your full name
Your matricola number (if you are already a student)

Exam Information: Drug Analysis II – prof. Barbato

Exam Information: Drug Analysis II – prof. Barbato

The Drug Analysis II (12CFU) third year – 2020-21 exam sessions of June 15th and of July 12 will be held on line on Teams Platform.

Note that there will be a MANDATORY meeting sessions only for the setup of webcam view within TEAMS and to verify that the procedure of downloading and uploading files through the Assignment procedure within your account works well.

The meeting will take place:
June 11th at 9:00 AM (June session)
July 9th at 9:00 AM (July session)

To partecipate, please send an a-mail to specifying your full Teams name, and your matricola, so that I can prepare your access to the teams channel for doing the meeting and testing the full procedure.

Please download the attached file of instructions “Remote Exam Session with Teams TorVergata – extract v3.1.pdf”, read it carefully and attempt a set-up conforming to the instructions before attending the meeting

The written part of the exam on the exam dates will have the following timing:

Module 1 written part:
9.00 AM meeting and document verification
9.30-10.30 Written part through Assignment on Teams (time constrained)

Module 2 written part:
10.35 AM meeting and document verification
11.00-12.00 AM Written part through Assignment on Teams (time constrained)

Please note that the oral part of the exam may take place the afternoon, and be finished the day after depending on the number of student doing the exam.
If you have doubts or questions please send an

Remote Exam

Important FAQ about TOLC-F

Important FAQ about TOLC-F

Question 1:  The seats available for the admission test at Tor Vergata are already full.  Can I take the English TOLC-F at another University?            

Answer: Yes. You can book another English TOLC-F in: University of  Bologna

Region:  Emilia Romagna

Dates: visit Cisia website (calendar of the dates)

Question2 : How many times can I take the test?

Answer: Just one time. Please keep in mind that if you are planning to study Pharmacy at Tor Vergata, you MUST register in Delphi as written it in our call “bando”.

Question 3: When is the dateline to register in Universitaly?

Answer: The 1st of July.


📌 Seminar: Sleep abnormalities in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: main findings and treatment interventions

📌 Seminar: Sleep abnormalities in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: main findings and treatment interventions

Date: 25-05-2021 at 14:30
Teacher: Fabio Ferrarelli (University of Pittsburgh,PA)
Host: Robert Nisticó (Coordinator Degree Course in Pharmacy)
Join the on line seminar:

Covid-19 Update: Reopening Decree starting April 26

Covid-19 Update: Reopening Decree starting April 26

Following the national and regional provisions announced for the next few hours, the Regional Committee of the Universities of Lazio has resolved that starting from Monday 26th of April 2021 the following provisions will be applied:


Lessons (curricular and formative) will resume primarily in presence with the possibility to attend online. Access to the classrooms will be limited to no more than 50% of the maximum capacity of classes and regulated through reservations on the “Delphi” portal in compliance with the Mur Guidelines referred to in Annex 18 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 14 January 2021.

Taking into account their own internal needs, the Faculties of Tor Vergata are required to plan in-presence teaching activities respecting the above required percentages.


Exams will be carried out primarily in presence, ensuring the distancing rules and the use of PPE. In any case, an online session will also be provided, in order to ensure all students who request it (if unable to carry them out in presence for proven reasons, quarantine, or for documented health reasons or for foreign students unable to return to Italy) the opportunity to take the exam.

Exams can be carried out exclusively in classrooms of those Faculties which can assure the required distance.

Graduation Sessions and Final Exams

Graduation sessions and final exams for the achievement of qualifiying titles can be held in presence in compliance with the M.U.R. (Ministry of University and Research) guidelines, allowing a maximum of two accompanying persons for each student. This method can be implemented as long as the distance and any other safety measures in relation to the number of undergraduates can be guaranteed: an assessment will be carried out by the Faculty Dean / Macro Area Coordinator.

The possibility of carrying out the final tests remotely is allowed to students who make a justified request as they are unable to take it in presence for proven reasons eg. if you are in quarantine, or for documented health reasons or for foreign students unable to return to Italy.


Access to the libraries will take place ensuring safety and physical spacing for a predetermined number of seats which must be made by reservation in the manner shown on the web page of each library; in the same way, a consultation service for paper documentation is available. Opening hours, contact details and any other useful information can be found on the relevant websites.

Internships, professional internships, laboratory activities, exercises

Internships, professional internships, laboratory activities, exercises, will take place primarily in presence in compliance with the aforementioned Mur guidelines and in compliance with the University safety and prevention protocols. The possibility of carrying out activities online is confirmed for students who make a justified request if they are unable to support it in presence for proven reasons (eg. in quarantine, or for documented health reasons or for foreign students unable to return to Italy).

PhD students

The training activities of the PhD students will take place in the presence; Also research and laboratory activities will be allowe in presence.

Laboratories, didactic laboratories and complex structures

University facilities, research laboratories and educational laboratories will remain open allowing access to teachers and researchers and students in compliance with the anti-covid regulations in place and the guidelines of the MUR referred to in Annex 18 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 02/14/2021.

The Rector – Prof. Orazio Schillaci

Translated from the Italian Website