Online Seminar: “Biological markers for Alzheimer’s disease”

Online Seminar: “Biological markers for Alzheimer’s disease”

Online Seminar: “Biological markers for Alzheimer’s disease”.

Speakers: Simone Lista (Sorbone University) and Robert Nisticò (Coordinator Degree Course in Pharmacy)

Date: 20 – 05 – 2021

During the Seminar: 11:00 – 14:00

Platform: Teams

Link of the channel:

Seminar: “Uno sguardo verso il futuro”


Save the date: 11 May, 2021 at 14:00
Teacher: Rinaldi Federica
Dottors: Cupelli Amalia and Pasqualini Alberto and Angelo Pecere
Students: 4th and 5th year
Language of the Seminar: Italian
Google Meet Room: 

Il seminario organizzato si pone come obiettivo quello di poter fornire agli studenti del corso di laurea in Farmacia eventuali prospettive future. Post laurea molti di loro infatti, dovranno affrontare delle scelte e decidere che tipo di futuro lavorativo inseguire. Interverranno infatti al seminario figure lavorative diverse, un Direttore di Farmacia (dott.Alberto Pasqualini) ed uno di Farmacia Ospedaliera (dott. Angelo Pecere) nonché un dirigente AIFA (dott.ssa Amelia Cupelli). Questi tre professionisti, pur avendo un percorso universitario di base analogo (laurea in Farmacia/ Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco) si sono specializzati per poter intraprendere strade lavorative differenti. Quindi il seminario potrà fornire idee e spunti di riflessione su alcune delle possibili opportunità per il laureato in Farmacia.

COVID-19: New Lockdown Starting March 15

COVID-19: New Lockdown Starting March 15

To the University Community.
Following the national and regional provisions that have been announced and which will be implemented in the next few hours, the Regional Committee of the Universities of Lazio (Comitato Regionale delle Università del Lazio) has resolved that starting from Monday, 15 March 2021 the following provisions will be applied:

– Attendance in presence of educational and curricular activities of all study courses is suspended. Bachelor degrees, master degrees, masters lessons and doctoral courses will continue remotely.
– Exams and graduation sessions are carried out remotely.
– University libraries and other structures that provide services to students will carry out their activities mainly at a distance.
– Professional internships in the medical, dental and health professions area, laboratory activities, exercises, and experiential activities may take place in person in compliance with the guidelines of the MUR referred to in Annex 18 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 02/14/2021.

The University facilities will remain open, allowing access to teachers and providing a smart-working plan for the administrative and technical staff in order to ensure services in compliance with the anti-covid regulations in force.

The Rector

Translated from the Italian website

Campus Party 2021: Circular Economy to Change the World

Campus Party 2021: Circular Economy to Change the World

Campus Party, the biggest innovation and creativity experience in the world is back on 28 and 29 January 2021 with Campus Party Spotlight, the first entirely digital global edition focused on circularity, sustainability, climate action and clean and accessible energy, implemented in partnership with Enel.

We will be talking about E-Mobility, Smart Cities, Urban Circular Economy and Open Innovability, but also research, startups, tourism and new tools and technologies for a sustainable future.
A totally free-of-charge online event with:
Talks, panels and interviews with international speakers and industry experts
Call4Ideas and online challenges to create innovative and sustainable solutions
A Job Factory Area to enable thousands of young people to find the job of the future.
The final stage of PlayEnergy 2020, the international prize competition promoted by Enel and Campus Party to bring young people between 7 and 18 years of age closer to the Circular Economy.
Campus Party Spotlight will also be the first stage of Road to EXPO Dubai, the approach path that Campus Party is dedicating to exploring the key topics of the Universal Exposition: sustainability, opportunities and mobility.
Join us for an immersive experience in the Circular Economy and become a protagonist of change.


A history of Cat-Human Relationship: 2mln granted by ERC to the FELIX project

A history of Cat-Human Relationship: 2mln granted by ERC to the FELIX project

A research on the evolutionary history of the cat was awarded by the European Union with a grant of 2,000,000 euros. Molecular biologist Claudio Ottoni won the prestigious ERC Consolidator grant for the research projectFELIX – Genomes, food and microorganisms in the (pre) history of cat-human interactions”.
Claudio Ottoni, a graduate and a doctorate from Tor Vergata University, is one of the 17 Italian researchers who have been awarded this type of grant at universities or national research centers. Only another 30 Italians who work in foreign institutions have received the grant and .
The researcher will conduct his research, which will last five years, at the Centro di Antropologia molecolare per lo studio del DNA antico (Molecular Anthropology Center for the study of ancient DNA(, directed by Professor Olga Rickards, Department of Biology of Tor Vergata University.


Cats and Humans: a long lasting relationship
The relationship between humans and cats has been very intense since ancient times. “The FELIX project – explained Ottoni – will deal with the analysis of over 800 archaeological samples of cats (bones, teeth and even samples of Egyptian mummies) that date back to 10,000 years ago up to recent historical periods (18th – 19th century ). The samples come from archaeological sites in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa ».
A previous study, published in 2017 by the scientific journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, showed that cats have essentially followed two routes in their history. A land route, which leads them to populate the Middle East and Anatolia when men began to cultivate the land about 10 thousand years ago; and one that passes through the maritime trade routes, from ancient Egypt to various European ports up to the North Sea, between the 8th and 11th centuries.
About the Research
The study will follow three investigative lines: One genomic line – in which whole genomes will be analyzed and not just mitochondrial DNA, and two new lines of research compared to the previous study: diet and microorganisms.
“We will do an analysis of the ancient cat genomes to investigate at a higher resolution than the 2017 study the selective processes associated with human interaction and the mixing between cat populations of different geographical areas (and also wild and domestic) , in particular in relation to the spread of the cat with human populations in prehistoric and historical times », explains Claudio Ottoni.

Claudio Ottoni of Tor Vergata University has been studying the cat-human relationship since 2016.

According to the research conducted so far, today’s cat is very similar to that of then: Few traits have changed due only to artificial selection or to those “chosen” by man purely for aesthetic reasons.
“We will also study how the cat’s diet has changed in association with humans, by analyzing stable isotopes, chemical markers of ancient diets, and dental tartar. Finally – concludes Ottoni – we will study the presence of any pathogenic microorganisms in ancient cats and how the human-cat relationship has determined the passage of particular infectious diseases to humans (zoonoses) “.
ERC Consolidator Grants: Italy the most awarded country
Italy with 47 researchers out of 327 grant winners, is the most awarded country in the 2020 edition of the ERC Consolidator Grants, established in 2013 by the European Research Council. The ERC Consolidator Grants are awards for researchers with an experience of between seven and twelve years from the completion of their PhD to answer the big scientific questions at research centers across Europe.
“A heartfelt thanks goes to the group of the International Research Office of the University of” Tor Vergata “- said the researcher – for all the technical support provided in the various stages of preparation of the project application”.

Useful Links:
– ERC Consolidator Grant 2020

Students Welcome 2020 Online Edition

Students Welcome 2020 Online Edition

If you are a new international student, the Welcome Office is here to help you.
Also this year Tor Vergata University of Rome will be glad to welcome all of our newly enrolled students to the Students Welcome Weeks 2020.

Online Activities 2020

Enrollment support meetings:
When: Starting from 5 August, 2020
What: if you have finalized the procedure on Universitaly platform, the Welcome Office will contact you by email and help you through the enrollment process or offer support if you’re having difficulties
Where: Microsoft teams (you will receive by email a link for the online meeting)

Welcome online:
When: Starting from 26 August, 2020
What: each week the Welcome Office will organize online meetings dedicated to welcome and orientation activities for all the new students enrolled at Tor Vergata University.
International students already in Italy will be supported and tutored in filling the Stay Permit, Health Insurance and Pass card for transportation in Rome modules.
Where: Microsoft teams (you will receive by email a link for the online meeting)

Students Welcome Events:
Presentation of activities and organizations available at the campus of #unitorvergata or in the city of Rome.

When: Starting from 26 August, 2020, presentation of our services in English:

  • CLICI (Centre for Italian Language and Culture)
  • CAMPUS X (Campus accommodation)
  • Agevola (Discounts for Tor Vergata community)
  • Botanic Garden (information about cultural and leisure activities organized by the University)
  • CARIS Commission (Services for students with Disabilities or Specific Learning Difficulties, SLD)
  • CUS Tor Vergata (University Sports Centre)
  • Informagiovani Roma (information about cultural events and opportunities in Rome)
  • Porta futuro Regione Lazio (information about training courses and laboratories for students in Rome)
  • CLA (University Language Centre)
  • ERASMUS + Office

Where: youtube channel unitovergata, playlist “Students Welcome 2020” – facebook unitorvergataContacts:

Students Welcome 2020: Italian Language Courses

Students Welcome 2020: Italian Language Courses

CLICI (Center for Italian Language and Culture) organizes Extensive Courses in Italian Language and Culture for Tor Vergata foreign students.
For more info on CLICI read here.
Registration from July till September 2020
For further information, follow the live event with the Director’s of CLICI, prof. Florinda Nardi.
Event Info
When: Wednesday, July 8, 4 p.m

Where: Tor Vergata’s Social media pages

Facebook @unitorvergata
YouTube @unitorvergata

VGen HUB Tor Vergata

VGen HUB Tor Vergata

VGen is a community of young talents, who propose ideas and solutions for social and technological innovation. Born in Tor Vergata in 2018 is now well-established in Italy, counting several HUBs and more than 300 under 30 talents as members.

Through challenges and events, VGen aims to connect companies with new generations of students, startups and freelancers. Our strongest belief is the leading and pivotal role of new generations in social and technological change.

Challenges & Other Activities

VGen HUB is a Chapter of the VGen community, formed by those students that showed great interest in developing VGen activities inside their own university.

1. VGen HUB Activities

  • Challenges: award competitions structured by VGen LAB (the startup) with business partners, that are funneled towards the VGen community. The HUB will pe place of support for students involved and team groups will be created for some challenges.
  • Events: connect the startup and innovation environment to the university by inviting experts to talk inside the university as well as online webinars and hackathons.
  • Articles: HUB’s members can write in the VGen Blog and make interviews.


Be part of the Value Generation! Do not miss the opportunity to challenge yourself. To discover something more on us visit the VGen website:

VGen Contacts

Local President and Referent: Elena Marfori
Email address:

StayhomeUTV Journals #1: Cornelius

StayhomeUTV Journals #1: Cornelius

Hello reader!
as Italy was quite present in the news around the world concerning the intensity of the Corona-Virus situation, this idea of student journals came into being, where students could report their experience with the present situation and the organization of the university.

This allows outside students, that are planning to come to Italy for studying or are thinking about applying for a university here, to get a better insight into the situation.

Spoiler-Alert: It is definitely not as bad as it might seem in the media. Rather the opposite. It is impressive how well the transition to Onlinelectures and the adaptation to the new system worked.

From Germany to Italy

My spring break just finished, when the first cases of Covid-19 appeared in Italy and made the first headlines. At that time, I was in Germany, and hesitated a whether I should return to Italy or not.

To be honest, I never imagined the Lockdown that was implemented later, I mean, who could have? Therefore, I decided to go back to Rome and start the new semester as usual.

In the first week of March we had three normal days of lectures at university, when it became clear that all universities in Italy must suspend lecturing after Wednesday, 04 March 2020.

Luckily, my class of the Global Governance course did not have any planned lectures for the rest of the week that would have had to be cancelled otherwise. Unfortunately, some interesting planned Extra activities had to be cancelled.

But that was understandable, due to the increasing urgency of the situation. On Thursday, the first plans for online lectures circulated, with the hope of being able to be implemented by next week Monday. And so, it happened.

From “normal” classroom lectures to online lectures

During the 4 days of organization, all students were informed about the online classroom format (ZOOM in our case), the usage and the guidelines for the usage.

Despite the expectations of many mistakes and technological problems, I cannot recall major problems with the online lecturing from the start (except some minor adaptations that we all had to get used to of course).

I am still a little surprised by the unexpected but smooth transition from “normal” classroom lectures to online lectures.

The first weeks were very exciting, as we were confronted with a whole new modality and weighed off the advantages and disadvantages of the new situation.

In the following weeks the process became more “natural” and all parties proved to be open for adjustments to make the lecturing more comfortable for everyone, as online lectures are more “intense” compared to normal lectures.

Online Exams!

The next question that came up, was that of exams. It took quite some time for the professors to evaluate the several options for exams – but even these worked quite well eventually.

In April, we conducted two multiple choice exams, one open book exam and one oral exam, all online – and I don’t have anything to complain about their execution.

Since most of the communication with the secretariat and the management of the course worked via email already before the crisis, also this continued to function flawless.

Looking forward to meeting each other

We could always count on contacting our Secretariat and professors for any questions and organizational purposes and received helpful answers. The only negative aspect is: we don’t get to meet each other in person, which is a crucial aspect of a university for me.

But regarding the situation, this is necessary of course, and we are looking forward to meeting each other, when it is possible again, hopefully in the near future!

Together we will overcome this

To conclude, I hope to have clarified some of your doubts on the situation and could give you some insights into our university life. I don’t think there are major reasons to not come to study in Italy because of the Covid-19 Virus.

So far, we have managed the situation in the university sovereignly, learned many new things and I am confident that together we will overcome this situation successfully.Written by Cornelius Balle – Bachelor in Global Governance