Following the outbreak of Covid-19 in Italy the Minister has decided (March 4th 2020) to take action by closing schools and universities to a certain degree, from March 5th to March 15th 2020.
We will promptly inform you on the evolution of the situation through our Pharmacy website.
The offices are however operational to guarantee the ordinary information service via email and telephone reception.
Below is a list indicating, in greater detail, the procedures concerning the activities taking place in all Italian Universities:
In class lectures of bachelor degrees, master degrees, the single-cycle degree, master’s and master’s degree courses and teaching of post-graduate training are suspended until March 15, 2020, with the exception of post-graduate courses connected with the exercise of the health professions, including those for doctors in specialized training, the activities of the trainees of the health professions. Classes will resume from March 16th 2020. The University will take every measure aimed at ensuring, where permitted, didactic continuity by preparing online methods which will subsequently be made known.
Practical exercises, internships and traineeships are suspended until March 15, 2020, with the exception of post-graduate health traineeships.
Exam sessions and final doctoral exams already scheduled may take place on condition that the measures relating to the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter are respected.
With a subsequent note will be communicated how the final tests can be carried out in compliance with the sanitary hygiene measures laid down by the Ministry of Health.
Study rooms and Libraries
Libraries and study rooms will remain regularly open in compliance with the health and hygiene measures provided by the Ministry of Health.
Student secretariats
Students are invited to use remote services as a priority and to go to the secretaries only in case of absolute necessity and urgency.
Smart work
The guidelines regarding the modalities for carrying out agile work as per current legislation are being finalized.
Research and administrative activities
Research activities, both at University level and at departmental and structure level, will function regularly. The technical and administrative services will also be regular and open to the public. However, students are recommended to go to the secretariat only if strictly necessary for non-postponable activities.
Shows and events
Until April 3, 2020 all organized events are suspended as well as events including those of a cultural, scientific, educational nature of any nature (conferences, congresses etc.), including recreational / sports events.
Calls / Public Contests
The competition procedures will take place by adopting the appropriate organizational measures aimed at reducing close contacts between the candidates and such as to guarantee the participants the possibility of respecting the distance of at least one meter between them.