PagoPA: Public Administration ePayment System

PagoPA: Public Administration ePayment System

The regulations relating to payments to the Public Administration oblige public administrations, including Universities, to receive relevant payments through the system called PagoPA promoted by the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID) of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (
PagoPA is an electronic payment system designed to make any payment to the Public Administration easier, safer and more transparent. PagoPA payment can be carried out through various channels (credit card, at bank branches, tobacco stores, etc.).
Payment Notification
Student will receive a payment notification at the end of the normal immatriculation / enrollment / subsequent installments / competitions / access tests.
The PagoPA notice contains the Payment Notice Code, the QR Code and the Interbank Code (CBILL circuit) that allow you to pay easily.
PagoPa allows you to make the payment through a plurality of channels, physical or online.
Payment Methods
Once the PagoPA notice has been obtained, it is possible to pay with different methods: online with a credit card by connecting to the site via PAgoPA’s APP IO if you have SPID credentials via home / mobile banking through CBILL circuit or members of the PagoPA system at all bank branches or ATMs that allow you to pay through the CBILL circuit or members of the PagoPA system in Sisal / Lottomatica ticket offices it is not possible to pay the PagoPA bulletin at the Poste Italiane counters
PagoPA Guide
Attached is a special guide (in Italian and English).

PagoPA EN Guide.pdf

PagoPA ITA Guide.pdf

VGen HUB Tor Vergata

VGen HUB Tor Vergata

VGen is a community of young talents, who propose ideas and solutions for social and technological innovation. Born in Tor Vergata in 2018 is now well-established in Italy, counting several HUBs and more than 300 under 30 talents as members.

Through challenges and events, VGen aims to connect companies with new generations of students, startups and freelancers. Our strongest belief is the leading and pivotal role of new generations in social and technological change.

Challenges & Other Activities

VGen HUB is a Chapter of the VGen community, formed by those students that showed great interest in developing VGen activities inside their own university.

1. VGen HUB Activities

  • Challenges: award competitions structured by VGen LAB (the startup) with business partners, that are funneled towards the VGen community. The HUB will pe place of support for students involved and team groups will be created for some challenges.
  • Events: connect the startup and innovation environment to the university by inviting experts to talk inside the university as well as online webinars and hackathons.
  • Articles: HUB’s members can write in the VGen Blog and make interviews.


Be part of the Value Generation! Do not miss the opportunity to challenge yourself. To discover something more on us visit the VGen website:

VGen Contacts

Local President and Referent: Elena Marfori
Email address:

Social impact of Coronavirus

Social impact of Coronavirus

Dear students!

Roskilde University (Denmark) is engaged in the research project “The Social Impact of the coronavirus crisis in 10 Universities”. We would appreciate your participation as Tor Vergata students!

The leading researchers on the project are Anders Ejrnæs and Bjørn Thomassen, both Professor (mso) in Social Sciences and they have requested the supervision for Italy of the anthropologist professor Pietro Vereni.

We are very grateful for your participation – and feel free to encourage your fellow students to participate!

The purpose of the project is simply to examine how the corona crisis has affected our lives. Your information will be collected via the questionnaire you will find a link to here below. We ask you two kinds of questions:

1) questions where you are asked to answer within some predefined categories;
2) some completely open questions that allow you to describe in your own words how you are living through the corona crisis. We believe in the importance of sharing our stories in this crisis situation.

Participation in the project is voluntary. The legal basis for processing your personal data is Article 6 (1) of the Data Protection Regulation and Paragraph 10 (1) of the Data Protection Act.

After collection, the information will be stored securely and without unauthorized access. When stored on portable media, such as computers, phones and hard drives, data will be encrypted to ensure protection.

Tor Vergata and Roskilde University keep your information until the project is completed + 10 years; it will then be transferred to the National Archives.

Data will be used for publication in scientific journals and media outlets. Data will be used in such a way that the readers of these articles will not be able to identify you as a participant – or that you have participated in the project.

Partecipate Here 

Coronavirus Update 10: Online Oral Exams Procedure

Coronavirus Update 10: Online Oral Exams Procedure

On the day of the exam, each professor will proceed to take the attendance of the booked students, in order to check who is actually present, subsequently he will declare the exam open and students are called to take the test in the order deemed appropriate.

It is recommended that other connected students temporarily turn off their device audio and video-cameras in order not to disturb the student who is taking the exam.

ID Verification

The professor will call the first student, explicitly request her/him to activate the camera (in addition to audio) and will verify the identity of the examined candidate by checking and taking note of the identification document details.

Exam Conduct

Candidates will be recommended to keep their eyes on the screen (in order to avoid the consultation of illegal material, unless the Commission allows it).

Student may not wear hats and must show the ears (to avoid the use of micro-earphones): students are recommended to use headphones with microphone or to speak directly into the devices’ microphone.

The student’s behavior will be closely monitored: For the outcome of the examination, it will be evaluated whether (s)he denotes distraction from the monitor or excessive uncertainty or slow response.

Exam Result

The Commission can decide to inform the student about his final grade or to call the next one. The exam session will not be recorded.

Coronavirus Update 9: Overseas Suspended

Coronavirus Update 9: Overseas Suspended

Following the outbreak of the coronavirus, the Overseas Call for International Mobility for study for the A.Y. 2020/21 has been suspended and will open in June.

Mobility will be allowed only in the second semester and will follow the emergency status of the country where the host Institutions are.

All Students are kindly required to check the following link:
Overseas Office

We will send communication about the open of the call and the deadline.

About the grants

The goal of these grants is to allow students of Tor Vergata University of Rome to study at an extra-European host university (under an Agreement existing between the two Institutions) to carry out didactic activities that must be consistent with their course of study;

Students must attend classes and do the final exams, and will obtain the title (Degree or Master Degree) only after their return and after the conclusion of the mobility period.


For further information please contact the Overseas Office:

Phone +39 06 7259.3509

Linee guida – Esami di profitto on-line

Linee guida – Esami di profitto on-line

Il decreto elettorale 888/2020 ha emanato le “linee guida” per le modalità di svolgimento degli esami di profitto on line.

Inoltre, secondo lo stesso viene emanato che gli esami scritti e orali nonché le prove finali per il conseguimento del titolo  presso l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” avverranno in modalità esclusivamente a distanza fino al 30 luglio 2020, e comunque fino a revoca della presente disposizione. Link  di Ateneo

Linee Guida – Esami di Profitto On Line

Decreto Elettorale 888/2020

StayhomeUTV Journals #1: Cornelius

StayhomeUTV Journals #1: Cornelius

Hello reader!
as Italy was quite present in the news around the world concerning the intensity of the Corona-Virus situation, this idea of student journals came into being, where students could report their experience with the present situation and the organization of the university.

This allows outside students, that are planning to come to Italy for studying or are thinking about applying for a university here, to get a better insight into the situation.

Spoiler-Alert: It is definitely not as bad as it might seem in the media. Rather the opposite. It is impressive how well the transition to Onlinelectures and the adaptation to the new system worked.

From Germany to Italy

My spring break just finished, when the first cases of Covid-19 appeared in Italy and made the first headlines. At that time, I was in Germany, and hesitated a whether I should return to Italy or not.

To be honest, I never imagined the Lockdown that was implemented later, I mean, who could have? Therefore, I decided to go back to Rome and start the new semester as usual.

In the first week of March we had three normal days of lectures at university, when it became clear that all universities in Italy must suspend lecturing after Wednesday, 04 March 2020.

Luckily, my class of the Global Governance course did not have any planned lectures for the rest of the week that would have had to be cancelled otherwise. Unfortunately, some interesting planned Extra activities had to be cancelled.

But that was understandable, due to the increasing urgency of the situation. On Thursday, the first plans for online lectures circulated, with the hope of being able to be implemented by next week Monday. And so, it happened.

From “normal” classroom lectures to online lectures

During the 4 days of organization, all students were informed about the online classroom format (ZOOM in our case), the usage and the guidelines for the usage.

Despite the expectations of many mistakes and technological problems, I cannot recall major problems with the online lecturing from the start (except some minor adaptations that we all had to get used to of course).

I am still a little surprised by the unexpected but smooth transition from “normal” classroom lectures to online lectures.

The first weeks were very exciting, as we were confronted with a whole new modality and weighed off the advantages and disadvantages of the new situation.

In the following weeks the process became more “natural” and all parties proved to be open for adjustments to make the lecturing more comfortable for everyone, as online lectures are more “intense” compared to normal lectures.

Online Exams!

The next question that came up, was that of exams. It took quite some time for the professors to evaluate the several options for exams – but even these worked quite well eventually.

In April, we conducted two multiple choice exams, one open book exam and one oral exam, all online – and I don’t have anything to complain about their execution.

Since most of the communication with the secretariat and the management of the course worked via email already before the crisis, also this continued to function flawless.

Looking forward to meeting each other

We could always count on contacting our Secretariat and professors for any questions and organizational purposes and received helpful answers. The only negative aspect is: we don’t get to meet each other in person, which is a crucial aspect of a university for me.

But regarding the situation, this is necessary of course, and we are looking forward to meeting each other, when it is possible again, hopefully in the near future!

Together we will overcome this

To conclude, I hope to have clarified some of your doubts on the situation and could give you some insights into our university life. I don’t think there are major reasons to not come to study in Italy because of the Covid-19 Virus.

So far, we have managed the situation in the university sovereignly, learned many new things and I am confident that together we will overcome this situation successfully.Written by Cornelius Balle – Bachelor in Global Governance



L’Università che non si ferma 

Il video  #viciniadistanza della CRUI, la Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane, è stato presentato dal Presidente Ferruccio Resta nel corso dell’ ultima assemblea che si è tenuta a distanza. Il video racconta la pronta reazione delle università durante l’emergenza epidemiologica sul fronte della didattica a distanza e il grande lavoro fatto dalle Università italiane in questa prima fase dell’ emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19.
Il 24 aprile, il video sarà diffuso da tutte le università.

Documentation: Extraordinary Graduation Session

Documentation: Extraordinary Graduation Session

Graduation sessions for all the programmes at Tor Vergata University of Rome will only take place using distance learning platforms.

Final thesis commissions will be made of at least three members, including the session President. The graduating student will be asked to show the Commission a valid ID and at the end of the dissertation, upon positive completion, the President will declare the student graduated, mentioning the final mark.

All the students submitted the Precautionary Application (Domanda Cautelativa) and the Graduation Request (Domanda di Laurea) within 30 days before the day set for the session, will be admitted to it.

The date of the Extraordinary Graduation Session: June 11th 2020

FAQ Students: Teaching, Exam and Graduation

FAQ Students: Teaching, Exam and Graduation

1. What is the solution following the interruption of experimental thesis and training inPharmacy?

We can not offer a solution, we are waiting for same clarifications from our  Rector and competent authorities, that we will promptly share with you.We  will be flexible as much as possible and decide on a case-by-case basis. For the time being, we musthope that the containment measures adopted by the Italian government will lead to a prompt recovery ofactivities.

2. Will the seminars scheduled for the a.a. 2019-2020 still be held?

Unfortunately we had to cancel seminars and other programmed events; however, I have ensured that these will be held in the nextacademic year. Optional courses will be held remotely according to the calendar published on our website.

3. Is there a graduation session in May 2020?

The May graduation session has been postponed to the 11thof June and will be held remotely. This session is part of AY 2018/2019 and is intended only for students“in cautelativa”.  A specific regulation (in Italian) for the carrying out of  these exams wasissued recently and is available at . Please also follow our pharmacy website for instructions and deadlines.

4. When is the Pharmacist state exam scheduled? We still did not receive information for the Esame di Stato, since this is not directly organized by Pharmacy course.

5. How will exams in the summer session take place?

We cannot anticipate how these exams will be carried out. Some of you might have returned to their native countries and possibly could encounter problems in returning to Italy. I foresee that it will be possible to carryout oral examinations remotely, however we are still waiting to receive instructions on how a written-type examination can take place.

6. Who can I contact if I have doubts? 

For problems related to a specific course please contact directly the professor.For general problems, the Didactic Secretariat and the Course Coordinator is available to find solutions withinthe limits of common sense!