YUFE Alliance launches the Virtual Campus

YUFE Alliance launches the Virtual Campus

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced our traditional everyday education and facilitated the creation of mini virtual campi in almost every country, the YUFE Alliance has actively been working on developing the very first version of the YUFE Virtual Campus, a first building block of a unique and interactive virtual environment that contains information for all YUFE community members.
It functions as the interactive red thread of our Alliance, bringing together all YUFE activities in a personalised digital environment, thus pursuing its goal of promoting accessible international education, mobility, multilingualism, and university-citizens communities solving European challenges.
The YUFE Virtual Campus, officially launching on Monday 23 November 2020, will be the ‘home’ of the YUFE Student Portal, which will enable students from different European countries and of different backgrounds to enroll in courses from other YUFE universities.
The Student Portal will provide students all the necessary information about the application process. YUFE Student Portal is only the first of several portals that will address other stakeholder groups and areas of activity of YUFE.
The YUFE Virtual Campus will allow the students (and shortly teaching and non-teaching staff as well as citizens) to ‘travel around Europe’ and visit 10 universities in 10 different European countries, and do all they can to continue benefitting from and contribute to building our European University.

YUFE Virtual Campus

Exam Information: Drug Analysis II – prof. Barbato

Exam Information: Drug Analysis II – prof. Barbato

Drug Analysis II (Prof. Barbato) extraordinary exam session of December 14th 2020, will be in written and oral form using the platform Teams. Reservations will close on december 6th. The exam is reserved for “Fuori Corso” and for students on return from Erasmus.

Download the file “Technical and practical aspects of written test on Teams v3.1” for detailed instructions in english on the requirements to access the exam.

On december 9th there’ll be a Mandatory meeting session with Teams to test the connection and set-up.
All the students that reserve for the exam must partecipate. Send an e-mail to gaetano.barbato@uniroma2.it in order to receive the link to access the channel of the testing session.

Remote Exam

YUFE Career Tracks: Postdoc Call on European Identity

YUFE Career Tracks: Postdoc Call on European Identity

The YUFE academic Staff Journey begins, the first YUFE Postdoctoral Programme Call is now open.

Have you recently finished your PhD and do you have a keen research interest in European Identity? Apply for a three-year YUFE postdoc position at one of our YUFE universities – and take part in the research activities of one of the first European Universities!

The postdoc positions are open to promising early career researchers holding a PhD. The programme is targeted at researchers from the Social Sciences, Humanities, and any other relevant field concerning the YUFEfocus theme European identity and responsibilities in a global world.

The Programme aims to build the first YUFE Career Track by providing early career researchers with excellent research conditions, dedicated mentoring and the opportunity to co-create one of the first European Universities.

Networking across YUFE and career development opportunities within YUFE and beyond will be at the center of the YUFE Postdoctoral Programme.

ErasmusJobs: Bridging the skills gap for the Erasmus Generation

ErasmusJobs: Bridging the skills gap for the Erasmus Generation

Participating in a mobility experience increases the long term employability of students. (Erasmus Impact Study 2014). However, atthe same time, youth in Europe is facing huge challenges to find a job right after graduation due to the challenging labour market and the lack of skills and working experience. For employers, a mobility experience is generally considered an asset as 64% believe international experience is important, but eventually, the obtained transversal skills and knowledge are the aspects that matter the most (92%). Why are the skills gained through a mobility experience not clear and why does this lack of recognition still exist?

In response to this, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is launching ErasmusJobs, an Erasmus+ KA2 project, to bridge the skills gap for the Erasmus Generation. The project is a collaborative cross-European partnership between ESN, Masaryk University, LEO-NET, UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA, European Institute for Industrial Leadership, UNIVERSITE DE MONS, European University Foundation, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” and Expertise in Labour Mobility B.V.

From Education to Labour Market

ErasmusJobs project aims to bridge the skills gap and enhance the transition from education to the labour market. Building on the core principle that a mobility experience reduces long-term unemployment, the project aims to clearly identify the skills gained during a stay abroad and make those more understandable by employers. In order to achieve that, ErasmusJobs brings together many stakeholders to ensure a future of employable Erasmus+ alumni.

The project aims to identify the obtained skills and translate these to the CV and labour market. It aims to create tools to identify such skills and work on the recognition of skills with employers and the industry, to create understanding. Finally, the project intends to create a common understanding of how these skills can be mapped and raise awareness among employers.

Building on that, the project will create a platform for all involved stakeholders to advertise, recognise and recruit for specific transversal key competences. The platform, similar to ErasmusIntern.org, will helpErasmus+ Alumni to better advertise skills gained through a mobility experience, volunteering, or other non-formal learning.

Training Toolkit and Best Practices

Further aiming to increase the impact, the project will implement a training toolkit for the various stakeholders involved. The toolkit will further ensure that students are aware of their skills, raise awareness in the industry, support career offices and promote the various outcomes of the project through training content.

Finally, the ErasmusJobs project will work to translate all the outcomes of the research, competency profile and skills mapping, to easily understand and implement best practices. A final conference will be organized in Brussels to launch the Job platform of the Erasmus Generation. Several trainings for university staff will be organised, to equip them with the knowledge on how to identify and promote the skills gained by university students through informal learning.

More Info

AIESEC Italy Online Presentation

AIESEC Italy Online Presentation

Are you looking for an impactful experience that allows you to develop leadership and soft skills?
Would you like to practice or learn a new language in a working experience abroad? Then AIESEC is what you are looking for!

Come and discover AIESEC Italia‘s projects on October 29th in an online event in which we’ll help find the best suitable projects for everyone. During the event you’ll have the opportunity to listen about all the different projects we offer and ask questions directly to our members in order to clarify any doubts, questions or curiosity you might have.

We highly recommend everyone who’s even just slightly interested in the topic to come join us for this event. What are you waiting for?




Facebook AIESEC Italia

WebsiteAIESEC Italia

YUFE Help Desks: Co-create the future of both your region and Europe

YUFE Help Desks: Co-create the future of both your region and Europe

Experience Europe right at your doorstep and co-create the future of both your region and Europe. The Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) Alliance aims to create a European University, but to also bring local communities and universities closer together. One of the first concrete steps in this framework are the YUFE Help Desks.
YUFE Help Desks will provide citizens with the opportunity to ask questions on different topics, e.g. legal issues, entrepreneurial advice, digital tools/applications, economics, studying, developing language skills, etc.
Questions will be answered by the students of YUFE universities under the supervision of university staff. Working at the Help Desk will not only give you practical experience, but also enable you to earn YUFE stars based on learning agreements and/or, when Help Desks are part of the study curricula, ECTS credits. For staff, Help Desks offer a platform to engage more closely with society. Detailed information on how to enrol will be available at the beginning of 2021.
Help Desks can be found in the city, the university campuses or are run online. The first Help Desks will be launched in May 2021, and the information on the respective locations and opening hours will be available to citizens of the YUFE regions and students and staff of YUFE universities in early spring 2021.

For more information: yufe.eu/citizens-and-cities/.

Admission Rankings: 2020-2021

Admission Rankings: 2020-2021

The General ranking for the 80 admissions to the Degree Course in Pharmacy for Italian citizens, communitary citizens, and non-communitary citizens legally residing in Italy are available.

Eligible candidates who do not enrol within the deadlines described will be regarded as renouncers.

Even after obtaining a valid score, candidates are excluded in the following cases:

1) non-EU citizens residing abroad who did not submit the pre-enrollment application form on the universitaly platform before taking the test;

2) non-EU citizens having declared their residence / domicile in Italy who did not attach a valid residence permit when registering for the test.

Also excluded are those who have not obtained a minimum score of 18/50 or have taken the test in Italian (TOLC-F) and not the ENGLISH TOLC-F in English as required by the call.