First scrolling rankings – second round

First scrolling rankings – second round

As expected by the Call for applications, candidates admitted with the General Merit Ranking who fail to enrol within the indicated deadlines will be considered as having withdrawn and the vacant positions will be assigned to suitable candidates immediately following the ranking list.

To this end, on the 14th of November, new scrolling rankings will cover the possible places left available.

Enrolment Deadline: 4th November 2022
Deadline payment of the first bulletin : 9th November 2022

Exam Drug Analysis mod. 2 (8067491 Drug Analysis 16CFU):

Exam Drug Analysis mod. 2 (8067491 Drug Analysis 16CFU):

In July, there will be two sessions of the exam Drug Analysis mod. 2 (8067491 Drug Analysis 16CFU):
– the 12th as planned in the calendar published, AND
– the 27th of July as extraordinary session, to favour the students who need to pass Organic Chemistry exam in July session.

Reserve CAREFULLY which session you wish to attend, since you can attend ONLY one of the two, but NOT both.

Students who don’t pass on the 12th are NOT allowed to reserve on the 27th.

The exam will be held on both dates in AULA 4 at 9:30, in presence, written test modality, 20 multiple answer questions, 4 choices only 1 correct (1 point each, no penalties for wrong answers, and 2 free text questions, 5 points each.

Only students totalizing a score equal or more than 18 will be allowed to the oral part of the exam.

Didactics and extra graduation session for a.y. 2020/2021

Didactics and extra graduation session for a.y. 2020/2021

Update of teaching methods and establishment of an extraordinary graduation session.

To ensure greater flexibility during this challenging time, the Academic Senate approved the following policy changes and guidance at its meeting on 1 March 2022:


– Mixed mode until 31 March 2022;

– from 01 April 2022, mixed mode for classes only; for exams and dissertation defence, face-to-face mode.

The exclusion from the mixed mode of professional health courses for which attendance is compulsory is confirmed.

It is at the discretion of the Directors of the degree courses in which laboratories and internships are compulsory for graduation as to how they are conducted.

– From 01/09/2022 on, face-to-face classes.


– Pursuant to Law No. 11 of 18 February 2022 (which converted Decree-Law No. 221 of 24 December 2021), the final graduation session for the academic year 2020/2021 (“extraordinary session”) has now been extended until 15 June 2022 for students who:

  1. are placed on precautionary enrollment in the academic year 2020/2021;
  2. are enrolled in the academic year 2021/2022 and have already passed all exams for the academic year 2020/2021 by the end of the winter examination session.

– Any deadlines relating to teaching or administrative terms will be extended for the above graduation session.

– Between April and May, and in any case at least one month before the date set for the extraordinary graduation session, each department will schedule an extraordinary exam session for the academic year 2020/2021 (if not already foreseen) for students eligible for the above extraordinary graduation session.

The Academic Senate sincerely hopes that the Departments will open the extraordinary exam session for both the students placed on precautionary enrollment and those regularly enrolled in the academic year 2021-2022.

Exam information: Prof. Barbato 2nd year module 2 Drug Analysis exam (code 8067491)

exam results

Prof. Barbato 2nd year module 2 Drug Analysis exam (code 8067491) 8CFU, to be held the 4th and 23th will be on Teams in REMOTE for all the students, however, there is also the opportunity of having it in the presence if students are compliant with super green pass (3 vaccinations green pass).
Student who fail to pass the 4th date, are NOT allowed to access to the 23rd date.

Students are required to have passed the module 1 to access to the module 2 exam.


MODE OF RESERVATION for ALL modes, presence or remote, on TEAMS class

add in the dedicated chat by replying  the following informations:

Surname, Name, Matricola, “in presence or Remote on Teams”, You have to choose one of these latter two modalities.


For the February 4th: deadline reservation is January 31

For the February 23th: deadline reservation is February 17

The written test on TEAMS remote modality will be strictly held in conformity with the instructions file attached:

“Instruction file for the exam code 8067491 drug analysis exam II year, Mod. 2 prof. Barbato.pdf”.

Read carefully the instructions, and set-up the camera display as explained in the instruction file. Failure to accomplish the set-up will determine exclusion from the remote exam.

WARNING there’s a MANDATORY preliminary check of your set-up to be held by:

February 01 at 9.00 AM for the exam session of February 04th. February 18th at 9.00AM for the exam session of February 23rd. If you have questions, send me a private message, identifying yourself with surname name and matricola, in the TEAMS chat, DO NOT send e-mails.

Instruction file for the exam